Of course the there is also the stigma of Chinese government telemetry embedded in Deepin
Can we get a CSI style story detailing everything that happened between taking the joint and getting into a murderous craze, and also where dafuq did he get that marijuana? 🤣
I think it’s from the time where things were done manually and round lines were a pain to draw. There wasn’t AutoCAD and undo features in a neat software 🤣
I’ve had the same path as you. Arch has been the simplest distro I’ve tried. And with archinstall it’s a breeze.
I’ve also found that Plasma 6 takes away most of the hassle with setting up a desktop - for my use case.
Been using a PC since Win 3.1 and it’s by far the most stable system I’ve ever had
Eu uso este https://github.com/dullage/flatnotes.
Eu não tenho nenhuma nas minhas notas, mas na página diz que tem suporte para imagens
You don’t get an email with the meeting minutes?
I thought it was about the true story of how the USA was built