It was an arrested development joke. The character, Anne, is able to plant herself so firmly she can’t be knocked over.
It was an arrested development joke. The character, Anne, is able to plant herself so firmly she can’t be knocked over.
Way to plant (Anne)!
So you go, “Hey ASSMAN!”?
Some might say you “slammed” him.
Work, free drug place?
Some of us know the correct one.
And to note, when I have actually looked at medical buildings, they have the correct one.
Have you tried adding Ambien?
It is a Cracker Barrel. Restaurant with a gift shop. You checkout at the counter that is in the gift shop section.
My brother told me this. He said the disposable stethoscopes during COVID height were great for this.
And I actually might as I intend to go EMS/EMS adjacent.
You don’t want the contaminants that used gear contains to get into clean spaces. No sense increasing cancer risk anymore than necessary.
Gonna drop this here for those interested.
I prefer “utility room”.
Edit: Well, at least for a private residence. I would say laundry room for a communal space dedicated to doing laundry.
I watched a video for one and it showed them caulking the joints after unfolding the building.
You are probably right about the insulation though. Walls are pretty thin, so you probably can’t fit much in them.
I wonder what the head clearance is on them too.
All the ones near me close at 11pm.
If you’re cold they’re cold.
I could instantly hear his voice.
Luckily that is beginning to change. But it is crazy that it has taken so long to do.
There seems to be two octane ratings that now have an unleaded replacement. (I don’t know how many there actually are in use.)
I should have caught that…