French press but I use arch btw
French press but I use arch btw
yes private real estate bad but also guys this is infill housing, this is good.
EDIT: wait no hold on just saw how small those are that’s awful
Christ a bit of paranoia would do modern internet users good, I still remember when it wasn’t normal to have every single piece of identifying information online and readily available for anyone.
this is the gas prices thing but it makes even less sense. if you’re gonna post political commentary at least have a basic grip on civics.
who TF said he was good now, he’s just jumping the ship before it fucking explodes.
Garuda the fuck is that
he got arrested for larceny I believe lol
please no welcome messages, they’re like the most obnoxious thing Reddit ever had, they just clog your inbox.
it you’re messing with desktop environments and tiling window managers it sounds like you probably know enough to just use Linux instead with any of the hundreds of DEs and WMs
a straw man is a word used to describe a certain kind of logical fallacy, that being when you make up something to argue against so you sound better. in this case a “strawman Wrangler” is probably someone who’s arguing against and disproving said arguments.
y’all it’s supposed to be a timeline, a hand drawn one too, that’s why 8 is where it is. you guys are taking this way too seriously