Op, what do you find more offputting: emacs or neovim?
Op, what do you find more offputting: emacs or neovim?
As I go thorugh my 2FA codes and make sure I safely backup all the things I need to log into to important accounts, I wonder how I would explain this to someone 200 years ago.
“Yeah if I lose this code then I won’t be able to unlock this secret picture on this magic screen ever again”
Don’t review, don’t write tests, and don’t even do QA. All of those tasks are overhead. It’s time you could be spending completing more story points. All that matters is story points, not the customer, not your coworkers, not your happiness, not your sanity. Just story points.
Maybe it’s an iPad. He does kinda give iPad kid.
When was the last time RFK actually looked like that photo
Had too many cold beers. Do not feel nice
Wow wow what did sqlite ever do to you
Can you give this to me in function form so I can find the global max the gets the most people yelling?
Then you lose your database quickly, so it’s still fast
Does anyone yell if I use SQL?
I created a community but I haven’t launched a beta yet. I’m a bit of a perfectionist but I’m also thinking I need to have a certain baseline of features to not piss off users.
This is the web app, but I will be launching a native app in beta soon. https://blorpblorp.xyz/
My main goals are creating a seamless experience between web and native, having a no compromise experience on larger screens while also not compromising on small screens, and allowing you to browse cached content offline.
I’m working on my own lemmy app. It would be cool to have settings for your filters like containers, starts with, ends with, word, part of word. But I also need to strike a balance between average users and power users. Maybe an advanced filter setting would be cool.
I was given a combination of prayer, essential oils, and other supplements
I knew both of these happened, but I didn’t compare them in my brain until now. But that’s crazy.
What percentage of people that have gigabyte Ethernet actually saturate gigabyte Ethernet? I have a whole ubiquiti setup and yet I’ve found my 300/300 meets my needs.
Idk what optimizations Microsoft stacked on top of Chromium, but Edge is effectively Chrome. It’s based on the same code as Chrome. Unless Microsoft managed to fix Chrome in some way Google couldn’t.
You deleted the failing test, didn’t you
“soso” 😂 I’m laughing but it’s not funny
Delete all the tests!
Why are you using towel on dirty anything? Do you towel before you wash?