The only conceivable explanation is that the person who planned this sees audience members as less than human.
The only conceivable explanation is that the person who planned this sees audience members as less than human.
Why did they swap spots
Ah, what does Liz know?
Go give cousin Estuary a hug
Google says they’re neither, so I’ve edited the above fyi. Thanks!
“Orca whale” is a misnomer. Same with Killer whale. They are not whales. The nickname is a mistranslation of whale killer because Orcas kill whales.
The difficulties the character in the comic faces would be somewhat alleviated in a world where policy isn’t determined by billionaires controlling the narrative.
People of all genders will continue having a bad time until we do something about the group that is hogging all of the resources/assets/freedoms, and guess what, that group is not defined by a gender. It’s defined by a dollar amount.
Oh right, the clean lines threw me off. Lunar eclipse shadows are much more diffuse.
How is the moon eclipsing the sun at midnight?
Unless you’re at one of the poles
But why would a panther be at one of the poles
Ah so your state is just being annoying. They’re 5 cents in OR, paper or plastic.
5 cents per bag is a fortune?
I, too, saw that other comic.
Not typically, but, you know, it’s happened before
Frog should have asked “for what?” at the end
… what
What the
Leonardo DiCaprio in real life apparently dumped his partner due to her being older than 25 (despite him being much older himself).
Step stools exist.
Remember Beast’s library in Beauty and the Beast? You really think he could reach the top shelves, standing on the floor?
I’ve seen other comics from this artist
If they were going for ugly
They outdid themselves