“Humans are just imperfect crabs.” - @pH3ra@CubitOom@lemmy.ml
Trying to be the best crab I can.
plate carriers stuffed with dinner plates. reactive armor filled with cardboard. classic lol
it’s incredibly expensive to bring a piano in this state to working condition.
the corporate class can’t tolerate pushback from the plebes
I miss the food. I miss some of the people. but it’s gotten worse every year for 2 decades.
hope you don’t have wives, daughters or mom’s in your family. just living in texas is a potential death penalty by sepsis, literally one of the most painful ways to die.
maybe but I’d think deadpool would glow more if this were his origin…
There’s no amount of fines that would put brains in that head.
it’s quite the workout even with a bunch of big guys and the right equipment.
good. they even allotted a time, and you still can’t figure it out. go to jail.
the legs come off a grand, they turn it 90d and wheel it on a cart. seen this done, required tall doors tho.
firworks 10 minutes after the official firework period is over? believe it or not, polizei
well now… perhaps there are some things worth enduring for the upsides
I suspect superpowered cancer is the most likely outcome.
so you blame the brits, then, for selling the land twice?
never seen such a bunch of 9-dash fantasies. the logic they use to posit these idiotic claims is breathtaking.
shithole state with shithole laws and shithole lawmakers. what’s confusing?
as overweight as Christie is, i’d be willing to bet Trump’s consumed far more big macs…
In a personal library, it makes sense to group books by how similar they look.
you do you, crazy man. keep telling yourself this shit makes sense lol
Cool your jets, hot rod
lol sure thing sport
You’re in the shitposting community.
seems more like the shitreplying community
no, they’re in the business of selling BOOKS, not swatches of colour for the fuckin’ shelf.
"Hi I’m looking for a copy of HG Wells’ “The Time Machine”
“what colour is it?”
“ah. nevermind. fuck this place.”
it’s ridiculous and insane.