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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2024


  • minorkeys@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldSo much for "progress"
    2 months ago

    And nobody you listed has been in positions of significant leadership. The DNC stopped populist Bernie, Pelosi is shuttering AOC, none of them has been close to DNC leadership roles let alone the presidency. Bernie came into the DNC with his own political clout he built from outside the DNC which is the only reason he is where he is. DNC leadership actively suppresses changes in top leadership.

    My point isn’t that good people don’t exist it’s that the systems we have seem to actively and aggressively prevent them from gaining any real power. Good people are a threat to the way things are being done and less than good people keep it that way.

  • Not really too broad. There are aspiring leaders who might care but they don’t end up leading. Bernie doesn’t seem to ever end up leading much does he? Business leaders keep choosing political leaders. It’s leaders everywhere, not just political leadership. People who run things don’t seem to give a shit about anyone but themselves and they meddle in everything to make sure leaders help them first and foremost. Half the political class also is the business class so…

    Also one exception tends to prove the rule. The vast majority of our leaders, political and business, religious and cultural, are horrible fucking people who only do good when forced to and we have utterly failed as a citizenry to make sure they do.

  • Leaders don’t care about you or me. If we collectively can’t get off our lazy assess and force changes to happen that benefit us, they won’t. It’s really that simple. The working class needs to take responsibility for civilization back from politicians and corporations or well all continue to be genocided by the greed of a relatively few powerful human beings.

  • minorkeys@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldDemand privacy
    4 months ago

    This is exactly the same argument we had with the loss of anonymity brought about by social media participation, primarily of Facebook. Now more and more of the digital space connects with the real world and other people end up giving out info about you. Then we had cameras and microphone put in every smart device and people bought those eagerly just so they could play with the equivalent of the latest dog face filter, putting them everywhere so you get spied on all over the place.

    The average person is walking civilization into a nightmare and individuals who notice can do nothing about it. People will not let responsibility ruin their recess. They’re children handing control of everything in their lives over to psychopaths who are re-enslaving all of us. Lemmings off a fucking cliff bought off with a series of damned toys.

  • minorkeys@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldElephant in the meeting
    5 months ago

    Why don’t you hire designers who can design games instead of designers who are good at implementing every manager’s ideas and c-suite business goal? There is a threshold of tolerance beyond which your business strategy priorities become incompatible with a game anyone wants to play. Nobody plays games to make you money, so if you make games to make you money, nobody will want to play them.

  • I think it’s more that strong men leaders get backers when the majority want them. All kinds of leaders are out there at all times, people swap their support to whichever they feel like at any given time. So when times get tough, half the population will side with power concentration, primitive but simple leadership structures. The other half want power decentralized and consensus to be required, the agreement of the majority, not be left with obedience to authority, which eliminates the ability for consensus or agreement. Nobodies needs matter except the needs at the top.

    It’s actually probably absolutely necessary that the GOP see Trump as sharing their interests. If you had to give up your power, you’d want to give it to whoever shares the most do your interests, so their exercise of power is more likely to benefit you. You wouldn’t willingly give to to someone whose interests were furthest from yours. And what an irony that Trump has convinced them their interests align. If we could break that assumption, people would find it much harder to hand over their power. But since Trump literally doesn’t care if he collapses America, he’s willing to give them things they want, regardless of the wisdom of it.

    God the GOP are the fucking worst.