Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.
Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.
What you’re saying is, that you’ll only accept that I’m sick if you genuinely hear absolutely nothing from me because I’m either dead or completely incapacitated, and then only show up later after recovering?
I can work with that.
Mass Effect?
For me it was Mass Effect.
It sure would be a shame… If he caught measles.
Also, memory foam pillows.
Never using anything else.
Current artificial hearts are not intended to be long-term solutions, but instead be a temporary way to keep someone alive when their heart fails, but a donor heart is unavailable.
They might become radicalized! We should make every effort to eliminate this unpredictable future, by definitely radicalizing them!
Unfortunately started seeing some with just a random string for the username. The display name can still be “Nicole”.
I woke up to three Nicoles from three different accounts, once.
You are gaslighting yourself into refusing reality.
You’ve received an avalanche of good faith arguments explaining where you’re wrong, it would take a herculean effort of self-delusion to dismiss it all.
For real. The human body changes shape as it moves. It has never made sense to me to wear something that tightens up to the point of cutting circulation just because I sat down.
No, I’m very much male.
Hasn’t prevented store attendants from repeatedly trying sell me tight pants because they think I should show off my cyclist legs.
Had to tell one guy to just fuck off once, and go browse the selection myself because he straight up would not bring me to the loose fitting ones when asked.
Open up a dictionary, and look up the word metaphor.
Current and new legslation, is resulting and will result in people dying.
And even outside that, yes, there absolutely have been murders where the motive was literally just “they were trans”.
I don’t even need to look it up to be 100% sure that has happened.
Additinally, having the world treat you, as if you are something you are not, is lethal. If you woke up tomorrow, and everyone around you insisted you were something you don’t feel you are, eventually, you’d end yourself.
Maybe it would take years. Maybe you’ll be able to tough it out and not take the easy way out, but even if you manage to outlast the misery and die of old age, you won’t have gotten to really live, to experience the acceptance you and I take for granted on a daily basis.
“Playing along” isn’t optional. It’s to the human mind what water and food is to our bodies.
I don’t think I’ve ever bought a pair of pants that weren’t comfortable enough for me to sleep in.
I know tight pants can look amazing, it’s just not a trade-off I’ve ever been willing to make.
Can’t fool me! Thats the wrong format for communities. It should be !
It should just be a matter of forwarding the righ subpath in your reverse proxy.
There should be a page for most reverse proxy setups in the jellyfin docs.
It’s a people icon in the top right in most clients that support it.
Users can set up a group, and other users can then see and join that group. Any media played in the group is played on all clients in the group.