In France, the left government of the “Front Populaire” was forced by the unions to pass social laws that was not on their program, including 40h works per week, the 8h/day and the first paid holidays. The struggle of this unionize include general strike, demonstration and riot, and was sometimes repressed by the State.
The 40h weeks where already done in Italy (until the rise of the fascism), thanks to the red week. Following the death of 3 people during a demonstration against war and colonization, an expropriator general strike was made in nothern Italy by local unions. Those strike do not stop every production, but focus on the needs of the workers. For example, foods was still collectid and dispatch, including by trains, but without trade; Malatesta try to warm workers to not accept the bourgeoisie gift, but to achieve the socialization of the society. Central unions accept, and betray the revolution. That may explain why the Operaism came from Italy. And why we -anarcho syndicalist- do not trust unions with hierarchy
There is some other exemple, of cours in Spain with the CNT (20 millions people living in aracho syndicalist situation), in Ukraine with the joining force of mutualized farmers and industrial unions, and the IWW
That does not magically appears in Europe, but the victories thanks to strong unionism and revolutionary unionism. The same that was directly attacked by the US government in the 1920’s
We used C++ based software. Who need sanity ? Clearly overrated
“Have your heard about our nor God nor Saviors, Anarcho-unionism” ?
There is many homeless women; unfortunately because of threat of rape and harassment (somehow underlined here), lots of them have to not look homeless. They have to buy fine clothes, and makeup. If you think that people “just have to prostitute lol”, you have to ask why you don’t. There is a fucking lot of violence against sex workers. Usually people that could prostitute have coworkers to rely on, or are forced to work for a boss (or a pimp, that the same thing). If the first case is the most common in most of countries, it’s not available for people with few social connections; which is usually the main reason of homelessness
I think we should not confuse the authority based on oppression, and those based on expertise. However the last one could be justified in front of the community (like the Union), so I would use the word “hierarchical”; the trust we gave in those people is freely agreed between equals.
We couldn’t have non capitalist state with imperialism However, if we consider countries without state, we shall consider EZLN and the Democnatic Confederation in Rojava. Both have very interesting approach of eco-socialism.
Central Unions and big political organizations have cancelled the common meeting planned for this week, because “the far-right didn’t pass” This the 3rd time they almost did, I don’t know how many warning shot they need.
I’m sick of the blindness of the left management. We seriously need more people in grass roots organization.
The words of the machine are sacred, Only the impure need explanation
The question is not where the moron are, but what place give them the power to harm
Fun fact : if you write french with the last grammar modernization, and with the gender minority inclusivity, you could being correct AND pissed off a lot of french speaker.
Each time a leftist ask me to vote, my answer is “only if you unionize”. I don’t think we should rely and a political party that defend the bourgeoisie to organize the fight against fascism.
Why Gaza ?
A state with equals rights on th former Mandatory Palestine territory would free “from the river to the see”. If you think that it’s imply the destruction of the state of Israel, it’s mean that for you, the very existence of the Israel State couldn’t lead to the freedom of people on that territory.
If this only thing that matter is freedom, this exactly what is shout out.
If you thing this dog whistle, give sources. The only one I found was zionist organizations. In a time of war, I’m not sure we could rely on its.
We shall not confuse data and information. With internet we have access to a lot of data, but information is hard to find. Furthermore information are structured by the institution that made it : university, TV, newspaper, and social network Those dominant institution are not very interested in homelessness or other class struggle in your neighborhood. So relevant information for your social and geographical position is even more rare.
I read the text, and didn’t find anything on centralize or decentralize messenger. Are you talking about the technical solution they want to use ? The text is very confusing about it.
I would have put OpenBSD in “focus on security”. Or hell The only prebuild thing their is pain, pain and suffering