when Im honest with people
Are these the same people who think a genocidal imperialist like Joe Biden is a “radical leftist?”
Just your average friendly neighbourhood radical.
when Im honest with people
Are these the same people who think a genocidal imperialist like Joe Biden is a “radical leftist?”
Which part of…
The idea that there exists such a thing as a “far left” is the most centrist thing ever.
…are you having a hard time understanding, liberal?
That’s the very definition of “far left".
No. It isn’t.
Once you are so passionate about your understanding of the world
According to your silly understanding of it, every mass-shooter in history was also “far left.”
Again. There is no such thing as a “far left.”
It doesn’t matter how many overly-dramatic and contrived justifications you make for it. It still remains an invention of liberal media and absolutely nothing else.
There is absolutely such a thing as “far left”.
Again. There is no such thing as a “far left.” It’s an invention of liberal media, who insists on having one to equate with the far right to suit their both-side-ism propaganda, and it’s being being propagated by liberals who desperately want to pretend that their right-wing ideology qualifies as “leftist” simply because they don’t want to be associated with their fascist cousins.
And you fell for it.
Anarchists and communists aren’t “far left.” They are simply left.
You are either left or you are not.
Far left is mostly also authoritarian.
There is no such thing as a “far left.” Go ask Centrism 101 for a refund.
The idea that there exists such a thing as a “far left” is the most centrist thing ever.
Soooo… your solution to your kid’s fears is animal abuse?
Why? So that he could sell marshmellows to the people who lost their houses to the fire?
please stop getting offended on behalf of others
You, and the rest of the posters on here, completely misunderstand. I, a white guy, don’t get offended “on behalf of others” - the fact that white people have to constantly reference other cultures because we sterilized and sacrificed our own for the sake of white supremacism and “westernism” so long ago is offensive, period.
There’s a big difference between participation and appropriation, and the “anti-woke” hive mind goes out of it’s way to conflate the two.
Kid needs more experience.
He’s a wife beater but not a proven rapist (yet)… so ole’ Mel is still a tadpole by US politician standards.
Mel Gibson is the kind of “Christian” that has a meltdown if anybody dares to point out that Jesus most likely didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes.
The Gulf of Mexico is too politically incorrect for all the snowflakes, apparently. It needs to sound whiter.
GenX has been fighting boomers from the start,
Bullcrap. We were too busy pretending politics didn’t affect us to fight anyone.
Gen X was Trump’s biggest supporter in the last election.
We were never known for our political acumen, I’m afraid.
all I said was he was a shitty person who produced
beautiful artgarbage.
Fixed that for you, AGAIN.
I don’t give a flying fuck.
Nope. That’s not true. You sure do give a flying fuck about garbage.
What makes his “art” so great, genius? The fact that rich people paid ludicrous amounts of money for it?
that influenced generations, me personally,
So why didn’t the people whose art Picasso APPROPRIATED to create his rip-off shite influence you?
Do tell… does the shoe polish rich people wear on their boots taste better than the regular kind?
I guess you’ve never met an armada of mosquitos, huh?
If you have any proof that it exists, hey, I’m all ears.