‘ere now, he’s just pining
‘ere now, he’s just pining
Time to check your prostate. Could be hormonal imbalance.
🎵 detachable penis
Interesting stats, thanks. Seems that I am in the majority for both of them.
I wonder, how many people who get the shits from coffee are actually lactose intolerant and are drinking it with milk.
Wait why is it a shitpost. It’s a perfectly cromulent car.
Yeah, I’m casually eyeing up those new folding solar panels which have an USB-C output directly on them. I’m fortunate to live in places with good stable electricity, but it would be nice to have an extra backup.
Me after getting my new multi-port USB-C power brick.
Verily. I don’t even play FPS games that much, but Dusk and Amid Evil are where it’s at music-wise.
So basically it’s Andrew Hulshult.
every day we stray further from god
Frank says nothing