Usually it goes like this:
”Hey I have this problem. I tried this solution, but it didn’t work. Any ideas?”
”The fix is easy: just do the thing you said you already done”
And then radio silence.
Usually it goes like this:
”Hey I have this problem. I tried this solution, but it didn’t work. Any ideas?”
”The fix is easy: just do the thing you said you already done”
And then radio silence.
It’s easy to win arguments against straw men.
I think most of the criticism about “wokeness” is unwarranted. I don’t know of any video game or movie that has been ruined because of “wokeness”.
Is Suicide Squad a bad video game? Probably. I haven’t played it myself.
Is Suicide Squad bad because the DLC has an old tired lesbian stereotype? No, I don’t think so. Even if it was a good game, I don’t think it would’ve mattered much.
It’s kind of like Jar Jar Binks. People use him as a scapegoat for why Episode I is bad. It’s a character who’s easy to attack, but he’s far from the reason why anyone would think Episode I is a bad movie. They would still dislike the movie even if he had been removed.
People are often good at telling when something is bad, but rarely understand why it’s bad.
As much as I despise the “anti-woke” crowd, this is not a good argument and completely misunderstands what they’re angry about.
They are angry about what they perceive as “forced diversity” that destroys modern media and that corporates like Disney are pushing a “woke agenda”.
I disagree with this view. I think representation in media is good. Games and movies usually turn bad for unrelated reasons (like rushed production or poor management).
I still haven’t grown out of my ctrl + alt + del habit
Instructions unclear. Now I got 10 billion modules.
I hope it’s not Tyler Durden who’s loading new gifs this time
How else am I going to get that daily dose of superiority complex?
What I like about ER compared to the other games is that if I find a section too challenging, I have the option to go explore somewhere else and come back better leveled.
The point of the movie is that suppressing sadness is a bad thing
The problem of being faster than light is that you can only live in darkness
What they mean is that they wish they could be the grandfather
Death Stranding 2 looks good!
It’s confirmed real by other (less serious) news sources.
I don’t remember this scene from Tenet
Up/down votes should be used more as “I think this comment has a positive/negative contribution to the conversation”.
You’re a big function
We are number one!