You my friend are an idiot. I already said this above but what about the people who trusted their medical provider who reccomended this service to them to find a proper diagnosis? They should just get fucked for trusting a professional in the field. We fucking rely on companies to a fault. It’s ass. we could you know blame the company for the shitty actions of collecting this data rather than the average ignorant consumers. That’s like blaming the person who told you your significant other is cheating on you for ruining your marriage, or even blaming yourself. It’s asinine.
And for the people that their doctors reccomended it to them? It’s their fault for trusting their medical provider? No. You should hold these corporations accountable for their shitty behavior. I guess people should stop buying oil & gas because that is killing the very planet they walk on. Oh wait! They can’t without an alternative that the government could easily provide! The company didn’t need to do shitty things in the first place. Fuck capitalism and fuck companies.
Not funny, it’s fucked up is what it is. Don’t blame consumers for a companies shady tactics.
Anytime I open Vim I ask the same question.
“how the fuck do I use you?”
then go back to nano
you can setup seperate peofiles and jeep your GOS apps seperate from your open source app profile. that’s what I do.
Also accresent is already a part if the GrapheneOS appstore.
I’m using duckduckgo so that is probably why it didn’t appear for me, idk I searched “did emily young leave linus tech tips” and couldn’t see the results.
I appreciate your google fu! Thank you! 👍