So, Anderson Cooper IS a CIA agent or what?
I agree democracts can be cringe and are not much better than cons, but fuck man they are better than Trump.
Besides, Shawn fain is planning a General Strike in 2028. Can’t wait for that.
So, Anderson Cooper IS a CIA agent or what?
I agree democracts can be cringe and are not much better than cons, but fuck man they are better than Trump.
Besides, Shawn fain is planning a General Strike in 2028. Can’t wait for that.
I looked Caitlin up for 50 seconds. Went to her website. She seems like a huge Tankie with her posts. (Anderson Cooper is a CIA agent.) Fuk, that is some weird lefty paranoid shit, even for me.
Anyway, she can cope and seethe that the country is headed in a better direction.
What helps me at times is just straight up shutting off my phone, and putting it away (mainly in a Faraday bag).
Also realizing that a lot of smartphone app UIs is meant to keep the user on the app for as long as possible.
Think of turning off your phone like winning a fight against evil corporations.
Close enough. I am an avid Arch user and i’ve used Manjaro before, and it broke just as much.
One more child falls for the Apple Industry propaganda once more!
Average YouTube cooking video
Best attitude to have
And KDE is my #1 DE as well, WTH!?
West Coasters be like
Least bloated KDE app
Setting looking like The Brak Show.
I know right? I mean, there isn’t even an Onion link there.
My person carcinogen-maxxing over here!
It does look like the aluminum foil you can get at the Costco food court, and this does look like Costco. Makes for a free Faraday Cage for your phone tho.
Me when I use Free and Open Source Software.
Dude, fuck man, that takes me back all the way in highschool Computer Science class. Back when I ate up all the techbro propaganda.
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No one ever lies on the internet.
I should have clarified, sorry. Caitlin. Maybe she has some good takes, but I am more cautious about certain anti-american leftist rhetoric, and one of them is calling random people CIA agents. I used to be really into this type of stuff, but ever since the Ukrainian war and how the Russian propaganda uses anti-american rhetoric to use as fuel for their war, I have just been more critical of it.