They’re outnumbered :)
They’re outnumbered :)
What’s so maddening is it is absolutely in his best interest to save the planet.
He’s just so monkey-brained yachts, space pleasure cruises, and the feeling of power, bending economies to make number go higher than the other capitalist top-scores, are what he chooses.
These good Mormon boys have wrapped your answer up in a nice little song
I’m really rooting for SteamOS :D
More OS competition the better. As both a windows and Linux user I can tell you 100% Microsoft has been prioritizing data collection over productivity, ease of use and hardware longevity.
Their OS has become more cluttered and awkward than ever
It takes days to clear out all the pop-ups and disable all the things you don’t want. I find the ways of configuring networks and hardware is becoming more convoluted yet no more capable than window XP; nor any simpler.
To disable copilot AI assistant it took IT over a day to figure out. In our business we are legally not permitted to share client data with third parties for any reason. It required doing some obscure command line situation not documented outside of a forum post on Microsoft’s support forums. Same with installing without a Microsoft account and disabling one drive.
Unfortunately we also need to be able to use commercial software that isn’t supported under Linux and sometimes need more obscure software that is Windows only, so we are a bit stuck.
At home I use a couple Linux OSes on my workstation and servers. They are genuinely programmed to operate in as efficient and clean way as possible and I can build from there. It runs just as reliably on 15 year old hardware as it does on my latest rig. I also have a MacBook that runs really well, works seamlessly with my servers, offers the same terminal experience I have on my *nix workstations and never crashes.
*Nixes are more straight-forward, better documented and starts with most addons turned off. If you want, you can install an AI assistant. You certainly won’t have to choose to waste a day figuring out how to disable a pre-installed AI assistant or paying someone hundreds of dollars to disable it.
And I shouldn’t even start on how much a pain in the ass drive letters and fucking backslashes that need to be escaped/unescaped and translated to/from OS-X/*nix paths in data stores… And what the fuck they can’t get a proper sym-link implementation going?
They shoulda done what Apple did with OSX. Recognize OS-9 was saddled with too much complicated under-structure and start over with a clean, mature, standardized, optimized and extensible *nix. NT was a huge improvement over the OG windows, but it’s time for another refresh and what they got cooking with power Shell, Linux subsystem and their obsession with data collection and forcefeeding one cloud/copilot/accounts is not good.
Ah hell, you got me going. I’m ramblin again.
Point is, I’ve daily driven Win, OSX and *nix for decades. Hell, I started with MS-DOS 'cause Windows took too much space on my state-of-the-art 286 with 1 meg of RAM and have been a windows user for the majority of my life. Windows is the most convoluted and bloated and least secure of all the OSes. They’ve only kept their dominance through educating a generation of engineers on .net/direct-x, locking companies in with Office/outlook and promising corporations to spy on employees…
…The end.
I think that’s because communism has only really been implemented/taken over by authoritarians, and wasn’t really communism.
Any possibly good people that gain power and pursue communism are couped or destroyed
There’s gotta be a term for this kind of group… Like murder of ravens, or flock of seagulls. A chud of fascist pricks here to assert control over women for psychotic reasons.
Aug 11th is the peak this year. Should be good tonight too :)
There are areas where cat is on the menu.
Update: Holy hell I just googled it & theres a wikipedia entry on it lol
The side of the moon not facing earth is what I meant. Not actually sure if thats a correct phrase at all TBH. °far side* is probably a better phrase.
Whitey on the moon is certainly a vivid slap to the face, but it isn’t the real cause of sister Nell’s rat bite (Google Gil Scott Heron whitey on the moon if you dont get the reference. It’s seriously awesome and on point and should be required listening in high school)
The most recent big kicks to the teeth were the 2trillion in tax breaks handed to corporations a few years back and the flood of Insurance company money into politics. Insurance corporations have ruined healthcare and made medical debt a leading cause of homelessness. Political donations have made sure the government doesnt do anything about it.
The 2 trillion in corporate tax breaks have obliterated funding to public health, rehab and job placement services as well as eliminating millions of jobs in the public services sector. These spur economic growth
Moon shit is arguably what made microchips, solar panels and thousands of other inventions that seriously funded a great deal of economic growth, getting thousands out of poverty, while simutaneously maintaining our leading military edge and bankrupting Russia’s warchest without murdering millions of people.
We should focus our opposition on corporate tax breaks and political bribes, not on the miniscule programs that actually do create some jobs… Also, China is making moves to occupy the moon, including the dak side of it. The moon is the ultimate high ground
I’m so glad this will be fed into Google AI to aid in results for Aircraft refuelling. It is very relevant and important for all things regarding aircraft and fuel.
Well, IIRC they did work with the Nazis to manage concentration camps and more