If you download the nightly build #5652,
How does one download this? I visited the page but the named artifacts (linux-amd64 etc) don’t show as links.
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If you download the nightly build #5652,
How does one download this? I visited the page but the named artifacts (linux-amd64 etc) don’t show as links.
Oh i see. I thought there was more to it – but I guess it’s just Java being horrible as usual.
Internet posts are being loaded!
Java support
It’s incredible that wayland is so incapable that it can’t even keep this kind of state, and we’re back to having to basically having to write .xinit scripts. Because that’s what little so far wayland offers: less than xinit.
If everyone is constantly being accused of genocide all of the time then no one will know when an actual genocide is happening.
If you can do something as simple as compare numbers (a skill taught in elementary school), you can know when genocide is happening, regardless of what other people around you try to weasel about what they believe the term to be.
No, I mean it’s the new / local meme word to shut off conversation. And apparently used pretty much the same way right-wingers use it.
I see calling people “tankies” is the “woke” of the Fediverse.
this means supporting an ad-driven business model
Not really, or rather it’s not me doing it. Free tier does not really incentivize data collection, nowadays even the business where you are paying still collect and sell information about you and you can’t trust they are not doing so (or turn heel behind your back) without high level access to their infrastructure.
I use free tier services; that signals that if you want to get my money, you have to do lots more than simply have a mouth to run. Some of those services have managed to prove their worth to my satisfaction, and deserved my payment, such as SDF which is where I have an account on, but even then I avoid subs and prefer one-time payments instead. But they are a minority (trust is not to be handed over freely) and Proton just squandered any chance of ever making the list.
Lol hate to say thank you
One thing that this entire situation has done for me is to make me feel more justified in my posture of never paying a subscription for an online service if I can avoid it. So far I’m using Proton stuff for the free tier only, so I can have some degree of relaxation in evaluating any alternatives withotu also having to worry about banking stuff.
“Is this Message approved by your board, and owners”
Didn’t the board already post in full support of this fucker, then try to delete the post for PR damage control?
I fail to see the GUI in that.
Like, if I open Dolphin, Thunar, or winfile
Quick, how do I do for i in $(find . -iname '*.pdf' -mtime -30); do convert -density 300 ${i} ${i}.jpeg; done
in a GUI, again?
Any good alternative to proton services? For mail I have tuta so far, but they cover only that part and the webmail UX in tuta is actually worse for the free tier.
In this economy???
Agreements about historical land ownership only apply to white people!
And in underfunded, public schools to boot.
Once again, I don’t condone killing innocent people. I honestly don’t get where are you drawing that impression from, and repeatedly at that.
Are you doing okay?
Measles? No no no, we’re talking America here, you mean
Freedom Sores