Javascript should say “you are a masochist and a nerd”
Javascript should say “you are a masochist and a nerd”
Now print this screenshot out and repost
It was certainly a waste of my Family Video rental fee
There are 4 sequels. I think I have only seen most of 2 and a part of 3. They’re super low budget and completely miss the point, as I recall.
Sacrifice your body, mind and autonomy to the system. Kill to protect property. Make every waking moment about maintaining and advancing our corporate overlords’ wealth and control.
This is the way.
With only about 34% of his body remaining.
In all fairness, the Starship Troopers sequels forget the point of the first film too. And the fact that movies are supposed to be watchable.
If you were watching a murder mystery movie and one of the suspects had a picture like that, you be justifiably annoyed at the obvious telegraphing of the final reveal with an incredible unambiguous sign of their unquestionable malevolence. That guy looks like someone used AI to make a surreal image of the Joker without makeup.
He’s killed and he’s about to do it again.
He looks like he’s about to eat the photographers face off.
Those are not female presenting nipples. Those are moobs if ever I’ve seen em.
The non-existent value of weirdly comparing his profile to a Greek statue aside, it’s not even a good comparison. He has a way more prominent nasal ridge, a higher, more angled and sharp jawline, lower cheek bones, and a much flatter brow/forehead. What exactly is meant to look similar here except that they are both white guys?
You forgot about the constitutional principle of RFT-NFM. Rules for Thee, Not for Me.
Oh dear me. No. Far from it.
His impatient finger tapping would be pretty epic too.
Well they better be, because if a wheelchair bound person makes it down those stairs, they are going to be there for a while and may need to use the toilet.
I’m gonna apply extra adhesive so my denture doesn’t come loose when I bite him.
I guess I’m an awesome nerd!