Where’s the lie?
Where’s the lie?
Remember how the Titan sub used a game controller and everyone called them out? I think I’d still feel safer.
This doesn’t advocate for any substantial improvement of data protections. It’s merely a convenience argument to legitimize banning Chinese cars for economic reasons. American car manufacturers will continue to harvest and sell all your data, just with less competition.
Of course, this isn’t a surprise coming from the CFR, the lobbying organization for US imperialism.
Not my idea of a good date, but to each their own
“I dropped my fair share of hard Rs back then”
(Subject to availability in your area)
Protesting IS exactly that. Keep licking that boot.
Obviously acquiring publicly available data is legal
Under the EU GDPR it is often not legal. Controllers need a legal basis, which only exists if there is an appropriate relationship between the controller and the data subject.
Law is more complicated than quoting bits of text that you like. You actually have to consider other texts (the fourteenth amendment made the bill of rights applicable to states) and case law (Everson v. Board of education confirms that states and school districts can’t support specific religious activities).
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
So you want to have discussions, but without arguments?
It’s slightly different. Your shell will see the /*
and replace it with all the directories under /, e.g. /bin /dev /etc /home
etc. So the actual command that runs is rm -rf /bin /dev /etc /home
Michael kidnapped a pizza delivery boy because he didn’t want to pay full prize. This fits right in.