- Fear & Lo-ho-ho-ho-athing in Vegas.
- Deck the Hallpass
- Joy to the World War Z
- The Snowman (don’t even need to change anything)
Die Hearth?
rm -rf /
Oh no! 😨
Oh yeah 😈
Idk man, I’d be wary using the communal butt plug with corporate sponsoring. But maybe that’s just me.
Money saved on k9’s is money for some super ugly Oakley’s dude
Devils advocate: retiring an old service dog means you’d need to invest in training another pup which is way more expensive than titanium teeth and dealing even with animal cruelty complaints and/or lawsuits. Also “bleed blue” fanboys will see this as badass, so its free PR.
As a mortal/moral person advocate: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU.
Your loss
I don’t think you realize the work involved in integrating a new unreliable power source into the grid. Its a delicate dance to anticipate demand to keep power always available. Having more power than you need is bad for the grid, which is why the costs go negative: power companies want it off the grid ASAP.
Conventional power stations can stay on all the time & that’s awesome for the grid stability. There is no power gap renewables are filling. So to turn solar on we need to turn off a coal powered plant. If this new source cannot match the reliability it hinders to grid than help. So there’s no question of “turn it off when you don’t need it”.
We need to turn off fossil fuel power generation for more renewables, sure, but it doesn’t alleviate their problems right now.
Ok, but what do you do when you’re short of power at night? Keep in mind to turn on conventional power stations it’s expensive & time consuming. Once they startup they need to stay on for a long while to be efficient & cheap.
The real solution is to store excess power in batteries. Lithium ion is too expensive to scale, Sodium ion batteries are economically & capacity viable AFAIK.
Spot on! I hoped this comment would be higher! The main problem isn’t corps not making money, but grid stability due to unreliability of renewables.
To be fair, the original tweet is kinda shit to begin with. They’ve unnecessarily assigned monetary value to a purely engineering (physics?) problem.
Karl Pilkington tried to warn us decades ago! We did not heed his phrophetic warnings!
Fair point. Like if you took an still from a movie, they’d attack the actors in it.
I wonder if the anonymous nature of memes could “shield” authors making images of Mohammad? How would you track them down? Would be even more difficult on federated instances/ActivityPub.
I can’t say about Europe, but Asia doesn’t have the cultural pull for the muppets. I suspect China’s indifference to the Muppets makes it less lucrative.
Oops! You’re right 🙈
Ok being serious then, the meme (& most people) refer to working class British dishes like fish & chips, beans on toast, bangers and mash which don’t have a lot of spice used in them. Many of them were probably invented, adapted & popularized by working class people during post world war 2 rationing.
I’m sure authentic British recipes do contain “rich people” food, but memes and pejoratives about their cuisine ignores or doesn’t know about such food.
Its like a meme mentioning American food as burgers & gravy, while pedants would argue Mexican food is also American. Ignoring why North Americans (mostly poor people) eat fast food and the socio-economic factors that forces them to eat low nutrition food.
Oh Yeah! Like they’d earn all the money and they’d spend it by paying wages & share what they imported with common folk. It’ll all trickle down to the rest of us… eventually, right? /s
Its funny how people assume colonization benefitted all Brits equally, and spices, tea (& riches) weren’t hoarded by royalty and the gentry.
How the hell do you think the East India Company got so rich? It wasn’t by selling it to… shudder … normal and… wretching… poor people. They can stick to their traditional true British spice, Salt & vinegar! /s
Lol yeah False Knees type of gag!