It’s good the core language now has to have a reason before it deletes shit. Speaking of, when do they add full garbage collection and call it c+++?
It’s good the core language now has to have a reason before it deletes shit. Speaking of, when do they add full garbage collection and call it c+++?
Oh man this has me feeling nostalgic
I don’t see the humor. Maybe the punchline takes a slong time
Something being “old” is totally unrelated to whether it’s trendy. See: virtually every food and fashion trend.
Plus, the license was only changed on a secondary branch. The default branch still has the MIT license. The text at the top isn’t “this is the license file you have open” it’s “the repo is licensed under this” so it’s correct behavior but bad UX. It would be most user-friendly to show repo license and then also say “this branch has an invalid license, beware shenanigans”
I think it’s in reference to this: https://news.microsoft.com/source/asia/features/taiwan-hospital-deploys-ai-copilots-to-lighten-workloads-for-doctors-nurses-and-pharmacists/
Looks like the benefit/headline comes from use of the entire software suite that provides access to a patient’s chart/medical history including checks for interactions/allergies. Most of that has nothing to do with AI but since it has a feature that generates a summary via a language model the whole thing is marketed as an AI Copilot.
I literally thought “Who’s he?” when first opening the picture so I can understand the androgynous descriptor.
To save others the Google: british “synth pop” musical duo turned solo act.
I’m missing something
It used to be common for lawnmowers to use chains. Either OOP isn’t very mechanically inclined OR they are and they’re just including a subtle dig to Tim Walz being yet another old guy (ignoring him being a fetus in comparison)
Are you referring to autoformat like most linters and IDEs can do or does prettier have some special transpilation capability to hide braces?
Use the glue sticks to make a mega chex!
It’s trigger warning for the self harm risk involved in reading angular.
Oh man, that would be a hell of an easter egg if it cleared your terminal and pretended to be a dos prompt
I only consume artisanal, organic, whole-grain memes thank you very much.
80 percent chance they reboot it themselves anyways.
Wish 1 cancels out wish 2, leaving us with the default state of granting the third wish. The genie grants the third wish by biting his tongue and ignoring how stupid the first wish was.
I got one of those desks with a vertical pneumatic lift so I can stack the computers vertically in a rack and just raise/lower it so the right one is at eye height
MAAAN would be a much better acronym though
That’s when you update your sig with your address and a link to a local delivery venue
98 was ok, ME sucked, XP was ok, Vista sucked, 7 was ok, 8 sucked, 10 is ok, 11 sucks.