It’s still waiting on a repackaging effort
Looks like the latest hurdle is that Firefox is relying on some Google-specific variables being present, which fails on AOSP
It’s still waiting on a repackaging effort
Looks like the latest hurdle is that Firefox is relying on some Google-specific variables being present, which fails on AOSP
The same EU legal text has in German 22.118 words Vs English 24.698.
That needs a character count really. Words isn’t a particularly relevant measure when the language uses compound words
Yea just like Catholics don’t consider unfertilised human eggs to be humans
The Catholics are consistent this time
They usually come with a tare (empty) weight stamped on them. Total weight minus the weight = gas weight
I think the point of the post is ain’t nobody donating $20 to the Lemmy platform or host or other apps