Here’s hoping he doesn’t name his son junior.
Here’s hoping he doesn’t name his son junior.
Is it because they have (gape and puckered) anuses?
Can I bum a cigarette off of one of you guys?
“Well gee looky here, you seem to be suspiciously well versed in ‘aircraft cabin screwdrivery’ usage”
I always took crickets coming out of the political arena to be a positive. I want my politicians to shut the fuck up and govern, thank you very much.
Red hat obviously.
kill -9 $(pidof <process>)
Must to what?
It looks extremely al dente.
Schisms are just feature branches, it all makes sense!
Noli equi dentes inspicere donati.
English letters
And because their LLM generated advice to people is bound to kill some of them, they can ‘see’ even more of them!
Ah, another pterodactyl aficionado!
Yeah, everyone knows the new standard will be whatever gets the backing of the porn industry.
Or Jathon (pronounced like Mike Tyson would pronounce JSON)
Yes, those levitating shits are really eye opening.
Lol, you can’t make that shit up.