Came here for the same question. Logic says yes, but realism says this fat bitch would never let normies touch him.
Came here for the same question. Logic says yes, but realism says this fat bitch would never let normies touch him.
Or that the jillion other chemicals are the problem.
Won’t stop them from doing this BS.
Only under very specific circumstances.
Cliffhanger? Other upvotes because they know what I’m talking about. No cliffhanger.
Think about all the positional sensots in your phone. Then think about what it knows before going into this bag…then after.
Time elapsed, steps taken, speed, direction faced, phone orientation…it can tell you almost exactly where you are without GPS.
This would put an undue burden on all citizens to have one or the others’ platform in order to be in public, which would be illegal on a ton of fronts.
It’s bullshit. Whoever said that is absolutely paranoid.
Not really since in this specific context it’s only working with live feeds. I was more talking about the technoweenies finding low-hanging fruit in the Deepfake world to make life more miserable or annoying to people. Scammers, YouTubers, teenage family members…ALL will be annoying everyone using this specific tool any day now.
Fuck you for bringing that bullshit up though.
Ugh. God…dammit. Now we all have to suffer through months or years of this dumb shit.
Can you elaborate more? Do you want controlled lookups, or just one of the public ad-removing providers?
You’re looking for something hyper specific. I’d say check in the forums like the other comments said. Else actually debug and check that the file you mean to exist actually exists on VM boot. You have a chicken and egg scenario, and the first step is logs.
/etc/skel is highly distribution specific.
Are you sure your VM even pulls from it automatically versus needing some sort of manual action?
It’s not clear who you are referring to. Privacy nuts seem to hate every browser that exists at the moment. I even see people pissed an Librewolf for one thing or another.
Fact of the matter is that the browser is less the problem, and the contents they consume are, yet people are unwilling to just stop interacting with the sites that cause their concerns. There’s no way to win with everyone.
Yeah, I got the sarcasm. Just saying that wasn’t my point at all.
Well I would have just said Chromium then, but that’s not what I said.
People have been up in arms for every new “flavor of the month” browser that boasts better security, or some new privacy thing, and Firefox not offering it. Also, the freakout about Mozilla enabling “ad-tracking” was wildly misunderstood and overblown by the privacy nuts, but started a slew of these “WELLFFDIDTHISTHINGBLETRRGGHWAAAHHHHHHH”
It’s all overblown in my opinion.
Your phone can still track plenty of info it can upload when it gets a network connection again if that’s the concern.
This is why I was hoping for an electoral defeat instead of a successful assassination.
It’s not the act that concerned me, it was the wild chains of disparate psychopathy that ensued from his followers. No better way to make a martyr than kill whatever they’re preaching about.
This shocking outcome has been a lesson and loss for his followers, but they are no longer emboldened by his bullshit.