This is just the standard blue dog democrat crap that they have been pushing for the last 30 years.
This is just the standard blue dog democrat crap that they have been pushing for the last 30 years.
Rest of the world: prove it.
Meet the ancestor of scorpions, the sea scorpion.
Some species were up to 2.5m long
Its only foregone if you don’t rise up and force it to end.
Freetube then
Glad you laughed, wasnt entirely serious
Qbasic, if that.
Biden is a blue dog and never cared about infrastructure. Trump cant spell the word. Obama did, but for overpriced drones and oil. Bush only did for oil and deregulated to make things worse. Clinton cut thing Bush Sr cut things. Reagan fucked everything up with “trickle down”
Meaning the last president that did major infrastructure spending is at best Carter, Ford or Nixon.
There is a five guys in my city. Tried it at two different locations, given its good reputation.
The single worst burger place. That they have any sort of reputation at all for being good is a stain on the fabric on the concept of restaurants.
So what happened:
Mexico got a 30 day reprieve by promising 10k Mexican national guard on the border. Trick is that they apparently already have between 10-15k there, so it is already met. The US claims they’ll limit gun smuggling, but with Muskler firing everyone, doubt.
Canada got a 30 day reprieve by promising a 1.3 billion dollar border package, and some kind of nebulous Fentanyl Czar. Trick is that the border package was announced six weeks ago and is already partially implemented, irrespective of the tarrifs. Fentanyl czar is needed for internal issues and is more about removing an attack point for Poilievre and the CPC.
Basically, Trump caused Wall St to lose 600 billion dollars in one day and permanently damaged the US economy(Canadian and Mexican resources are now being workshopped on being permanently routed to other countries) for literally nothing
Okay so what I know is that there used to be a Canadian company that made the wing frame for them. Had a giant CNC machine that would cut it from one aluminum block, even the 747.
What I was told is that they offshored it.
I know that those guys make stuff for Cessna now.
That button was when Boeing cheaped out and stopped making the wings in North America.
Every single one works in French.
TBH other than blatantly and aggregiously lying their ass off in the last referendum about what a split would be like, the BQ actually have decent policies and it would be nicr for all provinces to have that at the federal level.
Then BC would get the number of seats it should have at least.
That would be the “make an attempt” part, yes.
I can play video games at home. Paying to play video games in a mall does not constitute “an attempt”.
Hell no. But if you are going to the mall with them, at least make an attempt.
Or… maybe consider enjoying the time talking with your SO? Take her to some of the shops you like? Or you both like*?
*Assuming that it isn’t some shitass arranged marriage crap, you actually love each other and have common interests.
Dont forget strip mining the Amazon Rainforest at a positively Soviet scale of devastation.
Okay that bit of trolling from the old r/drama team was fun for a while, but I think that Blackrock CEOs thought it was literal.
Remember that the original Canadian intent of the UN Peacekeepers was that they would forcibly create and enforce peace.
It was the USSR and the USA that objected to the concept.
From what I understand, it’s that when he looks at various agreements he doesn’t understand how to work with countries to mutually improve.
It has been said a few times now that he only sees agreements as having a winner and a loser. In his eyes, a win-win means one side could have done better.