they aren’t publicly traded so that’s probably part of the reason.
Game dev and Linux user
they aren’t publicly traded so that’s probably part of the reason.
I’ve seen arch gain a lot of popularity lately, at least in my circles.
The first domino is probable gaben working at microsoft honestly
Steam hasn’t (afaik) revoked access from a game that someone already owns, and DRM on steam is entirely optional, even if you use the steamworks sdk. (source: I am a developer making a game using the steamworks sdk that can run without steam open or installed)
You can also use offline mode.
Someone I know misheard “Tenth Avenue Freestyle” as “Tell the devil you freestyle” and honestly that’s a much more interesting song.
Actually good advice, I’ll use this the next time a kid steals my radioactive isotopes.
MIT license is useful for a lot of stuff that is traditionally monetized. Game development tools, for example. I don’t think a game engine could become very popular if you had to release your game’s source code for free.
I can do what I can but a lot is out of my control. I can’t change laws or help people far away. Except of course by voting and donating, but I only have so much money. I’d rather prevent the possible harm to people as much as possible, rather than have to try to stop things after they’ve gone bad. And in terms of prevention, I don’t have a plan b.
Ok so what’s the plan b?
It’s not because the land-focused voting system we have favors republicans, not to mention gerrymandering.
Also I swear you’ve forgotten 2020. The same fucking thing happened, people didn’t want to vote for a moderate democrat, and so a racist, abusive fascist got elected instead.
So you know you can do an easy action to make some people’s lives better, to delay fascism, and save minorities from a plan to essentially wipe them out, but you won’t because of principles? Because of some notion that the Democratic party will learn from losing?
You know that they lost in 2020 to a fascist. This already happened and the result was 4 years of hell for every minority group in the country. Why do you think this would be any better, or accomplish anything?
One side is supportive of a genocide. The other has stated clearly that they will not only support that genocide, but try to actively start new genocides. And we love you for it
I don’t like this comic
Someone else pointed out that he actually apologized for being toxic sometimes and took some time off as a kernel maintainer because of that. Nice to see.
If only people could understand the basic concept that hating a government is possible without hating the people living there.
Actual image of a python dev trying to write to the console with javascript.
I think the real thing we need to do to attract windows users is have tuxkart installed by default.