Its also a problem for Alaska Hawaii and all of the uda over sea territories.
Its also a problem for Alaska Hawaii and all of the uda over sea territories.
12 more and you get a free sub
So the uk has a 1000 km taint 🤔
It should be America, United States
Well less stupid. If he said that to girls then we would assume he knows what a concubine is.
Yes because… Look behind you a distraction
Maybe they are trying to expaind theor Japanese market
For me 0 F would be civilization ending cold that i have been only seen once.
Back in the very early 2000s my dad went back to college. There he learne c++ but he also leatned that a great programer makes the program work ans keeps it small. Even bavk his teacher was complianing about newer programs taking up more and more ram.
Well son of a gun
They fucking tested this on myth busters. Don’t store bullets near fire
Yes and that’s the only problem with that movie
That why we should adopt my ipv12. Its three levels of addresses rach 512 bit longs. One for host one for network and one what ever the heel else need. Planet that’s it we asogn each planet a 512 bit address
Oh god that brings back memories. Reallying dumb ones of people but memories none the less
Amer is harder to notice
their still excited over that beach party we threw in the 40s
I can just slide my window up a bit.
True but i dont know of one guy who did 70 mil worth under capitalism
Well in lots of the usa we only have wide ass roads.