• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: February 2nd, 2024


  • I recently copied all my files from my SD-Card (“formatted as Internal Storage”) to a safe location, then copied those files to the “Internal storage” part of the rom that opens up after the SD-Card was gone. It worked. on Android 10. Maybe that change was later. Android storage looks weird from the outside anyway. It was as if only the publically visible files Apps want you to see got on the SD-Card, and then each app has some hidden folder (that apps like termux or apps with custom-built file pickers sometimes kind of let you half-guess the structure of (my head: no details) and) that appeared to have been on the built-in rom all along. That copy operation now lets me remove my SD Card w/o moving all my Images and less than half of my apps files. </irrelevant-context>

  • I’m no grammar nerd but I think the comma makes “sex” an adjective, which should make me able to say that the drug-infested dens are “sex”. this says a comma only splits coordinate adjectives, which can be swapped and where the latter does not form a common union with the noun, which means that even if “sex” were an adjective, the comma implies it can be swapped to make “sex, drug-infested dens” (single noun phrase), which it can’t because sex is not an adjective.

    Edit: this proof by contradiction doesn’t quite work because adjectives have a preferred order by category of what they mean, and being coordinate doesn’t mean they are in the same category.