Therapy? I react badly to all ADHD medications so I am not medicated for it. What has helped me the most is working through things with a therapist who also helped me with implementing coping mechanisms. Things like pomodoro method (this got me through college!), organizers at “drop spots,” and learning how to self talk made a huge difference for me. It is not impossible to do well without meds…it is just harder.
Two things for me… pomodoro method and the mantra “Don’t put it down. Put it away.” Pomodoro got me through college and made hyperfocusing on assignments seem like more of a choice. The mantra? It is part of my inner dialogue all the time lol. I tend to put things where ever and wouldn’t you know it? In a day my home is a mess. So once I heard the suggestion I took it to heart and it does actually really help me remember WHY to put things away. Because the “oh I will grab it and put it away later” is a lie.