I bet you wouldn’t be able to taste the difference ™️
Can’t wait for Apple+Google to change USA to „small penis land“ as per my decree wich changed the name to represent the population and acknowledges the fact that there not the only America, but also central and south as well as Canada and México
So that’s the ham pie Amanda was talking about
Don’t show this to Hancock, he might start talking his ancient „aliens“ civilisation had cars
I‘m sorry, welcome to my hell
Ok, I just need to get this out of my head. The trans community uses „egg“ quite frequently but in a different meaning. What if Elon used his grok AI to ask what trans folk care about and because AI doesn’t know better it just spat out „egg“ and that’s why the GOP ran on eggs.
It doesn’t make any sense but I can’t stop thinking about it
We all know the .ml stands for Mao Ledong
Insert clip of daemon playing with doomguy action figure
Just make him Sheppards Pie or something else with meat wich is not appetising like Black soup. Make him regret wanting „real food“
well, she does it wrong kenough to later claim he was just trying to dab or something.
Just one steel chair to the face is enough to remove teeth from humanity
Even worse; they flood the internet with „china actually kinda based“ posts. Orientalism is back and nothing changed
Well i made it your Problem and now stop crying like a little bitch and give me your trumpbucks so I can pay my onlyfans … I mean loans
Im so sorry for my decision to work in a company, the CEO gambled away and got laid off because the new owner decided to sell all assets off, next time when I take a loan I look into the crystalball to see if the 2nd generation family business will exist in 20 years
Well mrs musk would just not pay them and then used Saudi money to buy the service to them forgive his dept. Check mate
Well your chicken now gives you twices as much eggs and you get 2 caps per egg instead of 3$ per egg, so inflation got owned
It’s a mistranslation they ment right as in correct, wich is pretty based
No one will ever come close to the legendary Transal.