Ok, this is the first one I downloaded.
Ok, this is the first one I downloaded.
Just pull out the brown thing and it tastes fine.
Sorry! Just saw this. I got mine on amazon, with a longer handle and a floss dispenser below.
Eco-Friendly Lessmore Dental Floss Set for Teeth Floss Holder with Dispenser/Stand + Refill Floss Roll Total 100m for 2 Years Supply & Made from Food Grade Material & 3 Colors (one Pack, Blue) https://a.co/d/hzgaa16
Maybe. I dont think the memes are really that effective promoting any kind of material change.
We’re already past the election, and Trump is riding high as a “very popular” politician.
Anything the Left says is basically ignored.
Think about how effecrive they could have been before the election.
Instead the Dems played patty cakes with the republican party.
I found a weird fork thing to hold my Floss. It made flossing a lot more bearable.
I always found itbhardto manuver the Floss around in my mouth with my hands. And I didn’t like the disposable flossed.
Anyway. I can find a link for it if anyone cares.
Everything you say might be right.
I think its perhaps a bit overblown…
But how do you plan to fix this? Go around and talk to each voter? No, let’s think about why they became the way they are. I guess we could talk to voters that are disengaged and learn why. We could see what systems are in place so we can change them.
That seems more productive to me.
I think thats an over simplification.
Disinformation is part of it. Also leftist voters feel disempowered (they shouldn’t, but they are). And voters often don’t understand the politics behind good policy.
Its been shown that if dem policy were presented, then voters would overwhelmingly support it.
Maybe voters are more left than dems, but don’t like dems fundamentally, because they have no backbone.
Post civil war, the USA should have imposed rules that enforced integration.
They didn’t have the will, and now we reap the consequences as a nation, to have the south still stuck in the moral degradation that comes with dehumanizing a portion of our population to the point of enslavement.
No, trust but verify.
Idk why that makes me foolish.
Also having lots of children is probably the single biggest carbon impact, since youre multiplying your own consuption.
I wont say “dont have any children and let society collapse” but Im also feeling pretty negative about all this tbh.
Wow. Im sorry that happened to you.
I had a rough middle years in public school, but the teachers were always supportive, and I cant imagine not having that while students were bullying.
Even more so encouraging it…
I’ve reached the bottom of these comments (for now)
I see the similarity, what do you mean by irony though?
I was pointing out that though the numbers are small (your point) OP was saying Organic maps had 8x contributors, so Im just confused how thats ironic… when the point is that open source users contribute more than non-open source users?
Why is your username blue?
Edit: sorry. You’re OP
Im confused.
Oh youre right. The stem is up.
Im still pealing my banana the way I was taught (backwards)