i can’t read what’s under the sharpie. hemoglobin? guys a vampire i guess
i can’t read what’s under the sharpie. hemoglobin? guys a vampire i guess
no a water heater heats the water.
a watersoftener removes dissolved minerals from water
i didn’t realize things had gotten so bad
I’m curious, what would happen if you failed kids anyway, despite the pressure from admin?
i know, it was a joke
3-5 bucks ain’t much
damn, same
Windows eating meat user
paycheck to paycheck isn’t “the system”, or there’s no way 40% of people would be able to avoid it
obviously the people that object to the word object to needing a word for “non-trans”, not that they have some particular objection to the word “cis” itself.
it’s important to understand your opponents’ point of view if you want to be able to destroy it effectively
this is about beijing, China, not beijing, Alabama
Come on, dude, there is no female wage gap. It’s just that men choose high-salary jobs, like doctor or lawyer, and women choose low-salary jobs, like female doctor or female lawyer.
bro, your mistake was eating the beef, instead of whatever the locals were making for themselves. there was always a long ass line for that shit, but it was always the best chow in the place.
the fuck does owo mean
if you’re still heavily invested in the stock market near retirement age, you’re doing something very wrong