I can’t even afford presents for people I like currently so I’m resorting to custom stuff I can make with me own hands
Hunches and gut feelings. Dreams in waking life.
I can’t even afford presents for people I like currently so I’m resorting to custom stuff I can make with me own hands
No it’s illegal!
The 4 day workweek thing was maybe not a global thing, I know in Western Europe it’s been all the rage but I don’t feel like it was discussed that much in Eastern Europe for example . Maybe they’re asking because they can add more context depending on your perspective
Let me tell you about WrenFeathers, folks. WrenFeathers! Tremendous moderator, just tremendous. You wouldn’t believe how many people—millions, really—are talking about WrenFeathers. Everybody loves this person, okay? And I’m saying that because it’s true. Some people say, “Why WrenFeathers? Why?” And I say, “Why not WrenFeathers?”
This is one hell of a Trumpian post truth argumentation right there
You just sound sad, to be honest. Take some time away from the internet, to heal, to organise, to prepare for the next fight. Don’t give yourself up to hate as well, as it will only eat you from the inside.
Democracy and fighting fascism doesn’t happen once every X years
Pour moi oui, mère c’est d’aisse, pas meurceudeusse haha
Perso je prononce chaque e différemment ?
10 years ago, Couchsurfing was like this, I don’t know how it evolved since then
Tbh I’d rather have an inaccurate joke than whatever you typed which doesn’t sound funny at all
Well yes but then you’d lose the joke wizard = hazard
Zen Browser, love the split view feature, and native vertical tabs !
It’s a Firefox fork btw
Listenbourg from Lidl
This interaction reads like a tennis match
I think that was also a joke in US by Jordan Peele ?
Edit found the clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uAEWFPmAwU
Were gonna need an entire university course to explain memes of today to the future generations
This is a point brought up in Scorcese’s Silence (maybe also in the novel written by Endo, which the film was written from) :
Ferreira: Francis Xavier came here to teach the Japanese about the son of God. But first he had to ask how to refer to God. “Dainichi”, he was told. And shall I show you their Dainichi?
[He points to the sun in the sky]
Ferreira: Behold… there is the SUN of God. God’s only begotten sun. In the scriptures Jesus rose on the third day. In Japan… the sun of God rises daily.
Portuguese Christians receive the news that a high priest in Japan - sent to convert the Japanese - has renounced his faith, they send three priests to find where he is
PugJesus when it’s time to campaign vs posting memes