Hey Terredists! Terredise this!
Because this is a Wendy’s.
For every animal gluten you don’t eat, I’m going to eat three.
Watching a Steve Irwin documentary: why aren’t there ever any whales around when you need them?
Dececmber? Is that before or after Smarch?
Can I get the male/male suicide cable and plug it into itself?
How do you close the door and start it if you only put the food in halfway?
I’m not a shots guy really, they all sound terrible, but what the hell, I’ll take one of each, just please be quiet in the morning.
Beast seems pretty chill for having recently been decapitated.
They didn’t keep them inside the car at all times.
Does it still fit in the square hole?
Thank god this isn’t me!
Maybe he expected the fans to have mercy on him.
Looks like it would be pretty much correct for a C8 but not the C7.
According to the side of the Kraft box, I’m a family of 4.
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.
Hurry onward, pencil, or you’ll soon be dead!
No idea. Yamaha was doing pianos long before they were doing motorcycles, so it can’t be them. I can’t think of a company that started with motorcycles and then moved into pianos.
I figured they kinda covered that with Lil Fuckin Dipshit definitely being a narc.