This. If you really want an economical alternative, moissanite is a great option. Obviously not 1 for 1, but pretty damn close for jewelry.
This. If you really want an economical alternative, moissanite is a great option. Obviously not 1 for 1, but pretty damn close for jewelry.
I’ve been thinking about getting metal legs.
When they find out in 10 years, they’re gonna be so upset
Its very important you change your name to Daniel.
So hot right now
Simpsons did it!
If you die in the game, you die in real life
Two basic examples: tab in last word table node spawns a new row, and print preview updates all bookmarks/references where f9 won’t catch headers/footers automatically. More advanced example is split view in word let’s you track multiple spots in the same doc more easily. Granted I’m no word expert, but I’m no novice either.
There’s an older guy at my work that defies all stereotypes. Hes in his 60s, but everytime I watch him share his screen, I learn something new.
Why does leon have elf ears? Am I ootl?
Started learning German for fun, now it seems like a good plan B.
Not only is it better for you, but it tastes better too!
Its gotten so much worse over the last decade though. The line between satire and reality is as thin as ever.
Sad but true these days
Cutting out the middle man, smart!
You better watch yourself. I’ve got the death sentence from 7 rights holders.
Who’s the bigger fool? The fool or the one who follows him?
SponsorBlock on SmartTube is incredible. Saved so much time
I need sleep. I read this as three numbers in an array and was curious why Santa split them over three days.