pff no, they ask you how sorting works and then put you to work using sql’s ORDER BY. at that point, why ask?
pff no, they ask you how sorting works and then put you to work using sql’s ORDER BY. at that point, why ask?
they lost in the fall/winter of 41, when they failed to take moscow and collapse the soviet union. after that, they had no strategic path to victory. so long as the soviets could sustain morale and keep fighting, germany was lost. they did not have the material means to win the war, never mind the triumph of will shit.
there’s no real difference between a true believer nazi and one doing it as a bit. or one going along with it for profits. they’re all nazis.
amazon’s probably boosting any product with “white power” in it, that’s why you’re seeing this now
i think this is a rewarmed argument. they used to use it to explain why only landowners could vote and/or be elected.
no, there’s also documentation that is 10 years old, entirely out of date and very incomplete.
does anything flush the buffers after the print, but before the break? otherwise, if the stream you’re printing to is buffered, you’re not necessarily gonna see any output
they liked 90s russia, when it was weak, full of child prostitutes and people were dying en-masse from substance abuse (and the barn doors were wide open so they could loot it)
IIRC microsoft got got about this in the ie6 days or so, looks like they found their way back to their old behavior
but without traditions, we’re just drifting aimlessly through life
the workday should be shifted during winter in these northern places. sun comes up at 8? ok, so start work at midnight, finish by 8-9am, spend your “free” time in what little sun we have. and then to bed by 4pmish (when the sun’s setting anyway).
nah, we still have winter. i know this because it still gets dark.
we’ll still have four seasons: summer, hellfire, second summer, moist dark.
i used to recommend linux to people. but that also meant that i became their tech support person.
i no longer advise anyone to use anything. i just want them to not ask me to troubleshoot their stuff.
i’m going by hearsay here, i dont know what school is like in the US. i know what a single school was like in about 1998, but that doesnt tell me much about the rest of the country.
but from what i hear, the US has security gates and cops in schools, and the cops regularly brutalize and arrest the kids for random bullshit.
then they’ll put a cop next to each one of them and the cop will shoot the kids who come near it. that’ll fix it.
bring into fashion unix tools saying more things like “lo”.
lo! alas! but soft!
look. imagine a place where the burger is not native. where the best burger you can hope for is… adequate.
imagine, if you will, a country shaped like a schnitzel.
in the twilight zone.
only because yall insist on pronouncing it wrong.
this isnt religion unless you consider zionism a religion