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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • DHCP only acts in local networks which is in 90%:

    1. home network where you trust every device to not spy on you
    2. office network where in most cases your emloyer provided you with the hardware. And in 10%:
    3. Public WiFi

    The only thing leaked in DHCP is your MAC. Attacker can use this info to identify brand of our network adapter. Or if they have really huge database of laptop manufacturers attacker can identify your device. If you use VPN or TOR the only thing they know from now on is that you use VPN or TOR. And if they really have everything in that database they will be able to tell who bought that computer. So now attacker can only knows who is in their netwotk.

    Which is useless in scenario 1. and 2. Where you already know who is in your network and owner of that network has no database to identify you based on your MAC.

    In scenario 3. If we are talking about huge public networks like WiFi provided from your town. If infiltrated by 3 letter agencies which may have such database they could theoretically track your location based on which town network you connected to.

    But you can protect yourself from this:

    1. Do not connect to public networks
    2. Your OS/Network card driver allow you to use random MAC address. Just enable random MAC in your network settings. In Android: WiFi > Select specific network > Privacy > Use randomized MAC.

    Also take note some general location tracking can already be done through mobile networks.

  • TLDR: Scouts are about nature AND religion. Not just nature. There are many organisations that are just about nature. Feel free to join them.

    Why should they not discriminate against atheists?

    For real. Just because you believe it is about nature? Scout organizations are clearly about nature AND religion.

    Join an organization that is just about nature.

    In my country we have two strong scout organisations. One religious and one not. Religious one focused more on a personal growth and the other one more on nature skills. (Well some of my friends in religious one were atheists they just had to practice the same activities)

    Churches do not accept atheists. Chess clubs discriminate against non chess players.

    But if they would include non chess players, chess clubs would have no meaning.

    One can see you do not hold religions in high regard, but please allow people with the same interests and believes to meet and express themselves together in a peaceful manner.