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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • homicidalrobot@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldJust a tad too tender
    24 days ago

    It’s just as likely as any other meat. If it was frozen and shipped beforehand, less likely, so with fast food beef you’re probably right; but the reduced chance of infection comes from actually killing bacteria present in the meat, meaning you need to hit the elimination heat threshold for e. coli and the other usual suspects throughout the cut.

  • This guy didn’t even consider the other dude’s post and jumped to made up pseudo-logic. This particular type of idiot is one of the worst on the internet. Their whole account is political concern trolling from a fencepost. You’re literally constantly trashing people in your comments too - usually without any examples or explanations. Truly the mark of someone who has no idea what they’re talking about, you have been attacking people for political takes across the spectrum without actually representing any ideas yourself.

    If the word syllogism is too scary for you, just say so. It’s not a tough concept, you could self-educate in a week or two, but you’ve gone to being flippant about it with no substance. It’s clear you don’t have a real opinion you’ve thought through on the topic, so I have no idea what the point of this comment was.

  • You’re mistaken. Rednote updated allowing for EN->Mandarin translation for chinese native users and made the settings menu appear in english for english speaking users. The rumors you’ve heard about rednote bifurcating (like Douyin and TikTok) are only rumors.

    It amazes me that people will form whole opinions like this with no effort, no personal investigation. You can literally use a vpn to browse it if you’re worried about your data, but I’m willing to bet that you have a marketing machine in your house that you welcomed with open arms. A majority of users on every social media have already had their data sold to every conceivable database, or are young enough that they don’t realize how many datapoints they’re making with their electronic footprint. Think about how likely it is that using a chinese app would actually affect you in any way - we’ve known for years now that health insurance and healthcare companies in the US that aren’t covered by the narrow scope of HIPAA are selling our information, but you’re worried about vine and instagram with storefronts included? Do you even know about marvel SNAP?

  • This is becoming less true for FPS every month - the described method of cheating (off-device reading and input simulation) is becoming more accessible as more cheat makers are selling premade devices that do this. Huge problem even for new shooters like rivals - someone was already caught doing it in one of their ingame tournaments. It’s the primary way people cheat in League of Legends, and it would not surprise me to see evidence of it in dota 2(though I haven’t personally, I haven’t been paying attention to it for some years and it isn’t as frequent that a variety streamer or youtuber plays it compared to lol).

    As mentioned before, kernel anticheat won’t catch these guys anyway, so it’s largely just a way to alienate your user base. There’s a new problem it does nothing special to solve.

  • homicidalrobot@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldMeme.
    3 months ago

    You can’t change where or how you’re born, but you can change what instance you’re on with almost no impact to yourself. Maybe spend ten, fifteen minutes on copying your subscriptions over manually. It’s like changing out of a T-shirt with really unfortunate text you couldn’t read before putting it on, one of the greatest benefits of federation.

  • The kinect and even PSMove had great potential, but they never did anything that really stuck out. The wiimote was mostly used for one thing across multiple games: wiggle it and get a function that a button also did more reliably. That said they somehow released multiple titles that stuck with people for a long time, even some of the shovelware type games that actually used motion tracking were kind of fun. Meanwhile with Kinect, while microsoft still actively supported it, you almost exclusively had shovelware type experiences but they had the word Kinect in the title. Even Disney joined in. Those games were unapologetic garbage and largely didn’t function, even with plenty of time setting up a kinect play space.

    It took years after the kinect was no longer popular/supported for developers that actually wanted to do something with it to arise, with Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator. Hilarious results. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1507780/discussions/0/3192486000805884901/

  • I think you’re doing yourself a disservice here by calling these terms esoterica. Political ideologies being clearly defined and understood on a wide scale is not a negative thing. Most of the terms here in this dude’s post are talked about as solutions (or status quo) in the current era, all of it should be fresh unless you willfully ignore every single political post on every social media you use.

    Way more importantly: You really think the last 20 years were a shining example of public intelligence? Truly? With the denialism, the outright lies that have been signal boosted, the public outrage over hypothetical people and made-up organizations who never existed? How can you justify saying “these terms are esoteric” when they are literally modern? How can you justify this position you’re taking where low/no information being the norm needs to be enforced for things to be “normal” for you? You’re flippantly dismissing the idea that people could have opinions or motivations you aren’t instantly aware of, which is stupid beyond belief.

    The entirety of democratic politics is conflicting opinion/value/ideology being weighed by the many. What the hell is the problem with letting people who are informed talk about it in a public space?

  • Please. You are correct but you need to be informed and eloquent about it. Google “enjoys an 89.2% share of the market for general search services, which increases to 94.9% on mobile devices,” according to the most recent judge to rule against them (it was a 270 page ruling so I can’t blame you for not reading it).

    Intellectual property rights do not a monopoly make. Unfair practices (like requiring webpages to conform to a new standard like google amp or not get boosted in search) make the monopoly.