Honestly though like the store app will let me pull up exact item locations where the normal app just says it’s in an aisle I wish more stores did it too it’s really handy
Honestly though like the store app will let me pull up exact item locations where the normal app just says it’s in an aisle I wish more stores did it too it’s really handy
I’m not saying you are wrong but when I worked at Walmart if we rearranged anything it was just done by isle while the store was open and when we would go to scan a product it just told us what spot it goes in
It’s only about -35f in ND currently
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In farming and small business’s it’s very common to see kids working in the us
I live in Northern mn where it goes like -40f I don’t wear more then two sweatshirts all of winter I don’t do outside activities in the cold tho
Most states it is completely legal
1 I use my phone as a remote for my tv and it’ll sit there and spin on my pixel 8 iPhone loads right up
2 I have a lot of Bluetooth devices and my pixel doesn’t like to auto connect past the recent 5 devices my iPhone connects immediately to any of them any time
3 so far Siri with apple intelligence ( dev beta ) has given me significantly better responses then hey google has
4 camera in some apps is just slow on the pixel but they all are flawless on iPhone
And that’s not to say I hate my pixel I carry both phones if I have to run adb commands at my job I can do it easily off my pixel but things that my iPhone can do it does do better at least for me
Coming from a pixel guy who recently bought a 16 pro apps just plain don’t work as well like even google apps run better but that’s not to say they are bad on android things “just work” sometimes on iOS
Lol I know people with a well and they never even knew they had a well they never had to touch it and never thought about it was the funniest shit when their pump went out and were confused why they didn’t have water
I’m not choosing at random lol that would be crazy but I mostly use python and have been teaching myself go and some rust
Ah I’m unfamiliar with most languages I just use python and random others for personal projects
Another guy just posted emojis in their code in the comments no idea if it actually works
It literally is faster for me as I worked at Walmart for awhile but some the people they got in there now are slow af
There’s always the one guy who can’t figure out to scan his fruit
You act as if it doesn’t work the same way with a full cart cause it does, so what if I am that wasn’t even the subject
Nah like actually they trying to deafen us
That’s really nice I’ve only ever gone to Home Depot but never enough to even know they had a app