Hot pockets are evil. Why can you eat an infinite amount of them and never feel full?
Hot pockets are evil. Why can you eat an infinite amount of them and never feel full?
We’ve got shirts for this in Salt Lake City. They read “SL,UT”
🎶Alcohol my only friend…🎶
shutdown -s -f -t 0
The XJ taco holder is superior.
Respectfully I think this is a minimal attack vector in this case due to the limited character set of urls. But thanks for the callout, I didn’t know there was a name for this sort of attack.
Expanding on why humans don’t do this (as often) the fleshy part of our ears is functional. Depending on how sound bounces in your brain can determine some additional features that it couldn’t just from two ears. If I recall correctly variation in ear shape between people also creates difficulty in creating identical universal 360 sound. Can’t help but find it fascinating we’ve had ray traced games for a bit now but sound is mostly still just faked and not simulated.
Seems like a good opportunity to ask if anyone can recommend learning materials for FreeCAD? Used Solidworks and AutoCAD in school but fell back on tinkercad for a recent project just cause I didn’t have time to invest in learning.
I will pay for premium when it means they will not sell my data and will allow me control over my algorithm to prevent it from playing to my vulerabilities. Since they won’t change, I won’t pay.
Even if they do this, I wouldn’t be averse to a less on demand version of youtube. 3rd party apps will let you load a number of videos for later viewing. Would probably help me consume media more responsibly and youtube has to deal with the additional resources needed to serve all the videos I didn’t wind up watching after all.