The banjo can be so fucking beautiful when used in a neoclassical context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuV1JyEnTmE
Working class employee of the Sashatown Central News Agency, the official news service of the DPRS Ministry of State Security. Your #1 trusted source for patriotic facts.
The banjo can be so fucking beautiful when used in a neoclassical context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuV1JyEnTmE
I hated that you need the expansion pack for side dishes. The profit margins were so much higher.
boomerang intensifies
In Marxism, the base (material/economic conditions) is what the superstructure (social/cultural/political conditions) is generated by. Societies organise themselves around the resources available and the division of labour required to utilise them. Marxism’s social observations are all rooted in that mediation of the material environment.
I had a premonition that you will one day drown taking a bath because you’re too stupid to know which way is up.
Describe “Marx’s theorem” without paraphrasing wikipedia. This is nonsensical and as an adult you’re supposed to read about the things you choose to talk about. Linnaeus lived three centuries ago, but would you throw out taxonomy? Is the scientific method outdated because Francis Bacon wouldn’t know a thing about modern science? People build on the epistomological and ontological frameworks to make a living tradition.
I raised the point that vilifying people who had party affiliation but no real participation is wrong and that’s valid
So I saw your shirt and and that made me have some questions. Explain the difference between your Nazi apologia and the clean Wehrmacht myth.
My shirt saying “I’m no nazi apologist, but…” has people asking a lot of questions that are already answered by my shirt
The German skull has a unique bump which makes them genetically fascist.
I wish western journalists would have opted to become compost instead. Compost is useful.