Until the computer heats up enough to set fire to the paper 😅
I always love to imagine the other orphans reaction when the family shows up and picks a rat over them
Worked well for me so far - 5 consecutive years with a >10% raise…
A good Management knows that they can’t demand 150% regularly though since that will wear workers out
That’s why you always give 80% at work - so when shit hits the fan you can do 120%, impressing everyone while keeping a chill level of tasks for day to day stuff
The sad thing is that it works both ways. If a left party in government is improving things but had to do a compromise and therefore couldn’t go all the way the far left is also complaining about that.
Compromise with far right positions should never happen, but compromise in itself is not something bad, and imho it’s one of the main problems in today’s democracy that too many people see it that way.
As with almost all things: it’s good to have principles to stand by, but the world is rarely as black and white as it seems to be.
Almost all poor countries have a demographic like this.
Palestine is among the poorest countries in the world
It’s just a very smart way to spread propaganda by using a real statistic out of context.
Of course “70% of the victims are either children or women” sounds horrible - until you realize that a majority of the population there in underage (and therefore children) and that Hama’s is actively using underage children as soldiers - and if you look at the difference between the age structure and the casualties adult males are more likely to be victims than the other groups which are actually underrepresented.
Completionism is an ADHD symptom?
My girlfriend always makes fun that in Germany chamomile tea is the go to painkiller and only if that doesn’t help the pills come out. It was one of her strongest culture-shocks she didn’t anticipate before coming to Europe
Also often the pain is telling you that something is wrong - you wouldn’t treat a broken ankle with strong painkillers and continue walking as if nothing was wrong just because it doesn’t hurt anymore - would you?
Painkillers should make the pain bearable so you can still listen to your body and not take away the pain completely
It’s even more than that since you can improve attacks with more AP, two Pokémon of the same level can also have wildly different stats depending on different factors, there are also genders, passive abilities, etc.
Also what about legendary Pokémon? Are they having hundreds of different versions of literal gods in each of those?
Stochastic terrorism is a real thing though - and hate speech against a minority is one of the possible ways fascism can take root in a society.
Germany learned this the hard way how easy it is to overtake a country that was previously one of the most liberal and modern societies. That’s why hate speech against minorities and holocaust denial are forbidden and harshly punished here - and that’s probably one of the reasons why other countries in Europe had their far-right surges in recent years quite a bit earlier since russia had to be more creative about dividing the population
I’m firmly convinced that 90% of the protesters are trolls that’ll vote Trump anyway and are just trying to discourage people from voting for Harris that would never vote for Trump the same way the Trump campaign did that against Clinton.
Some people are probably participating in those as useful idiots that are not realizing that their activism will only make matters worse
I think it’s very telling how often those protests are accompanied by “not voting for X” - since that’s the main agenda - not to help Palestinian people
Netanjahu is openly cheering for trump, knowing that he will have no more breaks on his plan to completely level Gaza and expand on the settler program.
Trump is the one that basically told the Palestinian people that they’ll never have Jerusalem as a capital by moving the embassy there
It’s so obvious how much this is just a bad-faith attempt to discourage people from voting for the clearly better choice if you care about Palestine…
Arguing to change the person’s mind is useless.
Arguing to create another opinion for people stumbling over a post so shitty takes are not standing there unchallenged is totally worth it imho.
No need to go into a 20 comment deep bad faith argument - but if there’s no comment calling out a shitty take then that’s totally something I do think makes sense
Yeah - it’s an art to find the perfect mix between “sounds complicated enough that they zone out”, “sounds like stuff gets done” and “not making people ask if you need help with that”.
If this wasn’t enough of a wakeupcall to not put all the eggs in one basket then what is? Companies are literally doing this to lock you into their service so it’s harder to switch since you then have to find X new services instead of just one.
Better go with one that’d specialized for each service you need…