Going off the memory of the cat wanted to destroy it. When I want to hide stuff from cats it goes up high, or it goes in cabniet, or in something they won’t like or want. Could you have put it in a plain paper or plastic bag so the cats wouldn’t have been drawn too it? Or the closet high up spot or cabniet to where the cats were attacking the wallet? Good luck finding it!
Nah they will pay for private security and lobby more mass surveillance and more police state. I mean if there the CEOs aren’t denied, defended, or deposed first
Ok but the photo of the suspect smiling in the coffee shop is wearing a black backpack. But the shooter had this one on
Wait why is it cringy?
What don’t you like about ZorinOS?
What, planes get pimples too. Nothing to see here. They are still beautiful
You risk Kidney stones with that Sodium. I don’t know what toilet horrors you and your butthole face that have driven you to this point, but heed my warning, kidney stones really fucking hurt.
Damn he is really baked. Damn junkie
Fuck no it didnt! America got some of the best education in the country!! You need to get out more and wake up sheeple. Look I’d argue you more against you but idk if you’re looking to have your soft little opinion challenged. I’m sorry I just get so angry when people insult the US of A. Look I’m sorry to hear about your contract addiction. My cousin is an addict too, mostly meth, it’s a disease I get that. God bless you on your fight against it.