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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2024


  • frozenspinach@lemmy.mltoPrivacy@lemmy.mlProton Ditches Mastodon
    15 days ago

    The reddit account has a username with the number 88 in binary, which led some to speculate its a nazi (88 = HH = Heil H*tler) dogwhistle, to which Andy Yen says its his year of birth 1988. Kinda weird, but he could just be that clueless, who knows

    I mean this part I give him a pass on. It was right for people reading him to raise an eyebrow, because political signalling like that does happen, especially in a context where he’s making comments like he made. But in this case it was just a nothingburger.

    It doesn’t make his “wasn’t intended to be a political comment” excuse any less gibberish though.

  • I have been defending Andy Yen’s idiotic comments because he’s not American and doesn’t understand the hyper-reactive nature between US Americans and US politics

    And I could see the point, kind of, even though it strained credulity on substance. He seemed more confused to me than die-hard partisan. But it’s really hard to square what was effectively a blanket statement endorsing R’s with his subsequent comment that it “was not intended to be a political statement” (paraphrase).

  • but it’s a foreign actor so OOooooOOWwwwooOOOO sCaRrRey!

    I love that people think this is a solid own. Lest we forget Hong Kong, or an impending hot war in Taiwan or building out extradition systems with an expanding network of countries to forcibly repatriate and torture dissidents and human rights lawyers.

    You used to not have to explain why authoritarianism was bad.

    Edit: I would love to know the Pro side of what happened in Hong Kong, or the forced extradition regime, since evidently I’m clearly in the wrong in thinking those were bad. What am I missing?