look, i’m autistic and used to regularly behave violently against Nazis. on purpose and completely aware of what that meant.
look, i’m autistic and used to regularly behave violently against Nazis. on purpose and completely aware of what that meant.
i think haters make their cases regardless the facts and logic whatsoever.
i found out early on, that on the web all argument spaces can only collapse. <insert event-horizon analogy here.>
and yet all information displayed here are one-dimensional.
hello from germany, no the rest (as in most of the others) of you (as in American society) will arrange with an unfortunate situation and take the profits / opportunities that pop up.
it was part of a coalition that took down the third displayed flag.
du sollst die deutschen verbrechen unter nationalsozialistischer führung nicht verharmlosen!
with both wicked and decent sides to them
that isn’t my point, if one of them had a decent side, i’d give a f. but they are human beings like you and me. i can only reiterate, we’ve seen that often enough and where this leads to.
there’s harm in completely demonize a person or group of people
particularly that it makes it more difficult to find a stable political solution to the underlying conflicts.
murdering hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and his own people.
luckily that’s an exaggeration. it might apply to russian combatants though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine#Casualties
please take a closer look at the posted graphics!
it’s called dehumanization and we know where that leads to.
other might nowadays create similar depictions of other government heads that can also be considered shit bags and are involved in a war making that obvious.
fortunately the death rate of Bird flu is much lower. look at what’s going on in the US milk industry. there are hundreds of infections amongst workers, very few died.
sponsoring a coup d’etat that threatens the russian Black Sea Fleet’s command center. but you know that.
maybe ask someone professional for help.
sure, a stand-of between Biden and Putin would have been best right at the beginning.
it was socialist, not communist.
you’re the ones with the supposedly most powerful military of the world.