That also fits how the one dude in the back holds the fries into the camera in a perfect product placement way.
That also fits how the one dude in the back holds the fries into the camera in a perfect product placement way.
Self driving cars will allways use far more energy and space per passenger than a train or light rail. And personally owned cars will spend more than 90% of their time just standing around, being useless and wasting space. If you propose self driving taxis, you’re just another step closer to trains.
The Egyptians most certainly didn’t use the Latin alphabet 5000 years ago, in fact noone used the Latin alphabet until more than 2000 years later. So how on earth do you come up with the transcription “aaa” and is it supposed to be pronounced a-a-a or what?
The original German wording is “Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand: wer ist die schönste Frau in dem ganzen Land?”. Literally translated that would be “Mirror, mirror on the wall: who is the most beautiful woman in all the land.” I would let “hottest” slide as a more contemporary translation.
What in this article had you jump to the conclusion that he wanted to chop his penis off? Dysphoria is a thing, no questions about that, but the vast majority of men don’t want their penis removed and from the article it doesn’t seem this man is an exception.
First of all, self mutilation is a known phenomenon of psychotic episodes. While this is the first documented case of penile amputation that’s also the reason the case study was conducted and we’re reading about it at all.
Next, he has years of depression in his past. For a depression do be diagnosed he has to be under some form of psychological care. While no guarantee that greatly improves the change of dysphoria being diagnosed, especially if it were severe enough to resort to self amputation with an axe.
Ultimately, once he came to his senses he did everything in his power to save his penis. If it was his great plan to amputate his penis while making it look like a drug-fueled accident or even if just wanted it removed but couldn’t do so while sober, why would he put it on ice? Shouldn’t he be glad or relieved it’s gone? If he was dysphoric, I would expect him to make sure it doesn’t get to the hospital with him.
Everything here implies that he didn’t want to mutilate or amputate his penis and in that case implying it was intentional quite insulting, too.
That requires neither engineering-level math nor paper nor patience. All you need is the chain rule and some basic knowledge of sine and cosine:
The derivative of cos is -sin, but because of the 6x you get an extra factor 6. The sine function is periodic on 2pi, so sin(6*2pi + pi/2) = sin(pi/2) = 1. So the result is -36
Plot twist: the products were placed by competing brands because they knew the product placement would backfire
As long as they insist on using people’s dead names I will only refer to them by theirs.
Don’t, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Fight them, but never drop to their level. Then they’ve reached their goal and it’s lost. Be better than them.
Good old Bobby Tables
Apparently x dot com stayed with PayPal until 2017 when Musk bought it back. While we don’t know the price, it’s probably been in the millions
Three words are absolutely sufficient:
You wanna fight?
Malta is correct and Cyprus drives on the left, too.
The Windows Devs probably shot for the Ballmer Peak and missed by so far, it’s not even funny. But seriously, look at the history of Microsoft. Even back in the early days, MS-DOS was basically plagiarized from CP/M but Microsoft maneuvered themselves to a market controling position through aggressive marketing and business strategies. Overall they leeched off the emerging PC market and probably hindered innovation more than driving it.