For me I use ddg email aliases with bitwarden. It’s great and free. I tried others but ddg works great but doesn’t have any of the bells and whistles.
For me I use ddg email aliases with bitwarden. It’s great and free. I tried others but ddg works great but doesn’t have any of the bells and whistles.
Maybe related to Pirate software??
Just read the stories,(just don’t take it seriously) they are like Avengers without any corporate bullshit. With my totally unbiased opinion some are more fun then others. (Polytheism>Animism>Monotheism). And their time line doesn’t change just because Disney stock didn’t rise.
That’s just propoganda by big demons. They want to you to buy salt so they can season you. Why do you think people say garlic will repel vampires. Sheple, all are sheple. That’s just vampire propoganda.
I don’t think they are socialist democracy but social democracy. There is a distinction. I don’t think any country is a socialist country in morden history. There where some movement that were trying to be socialist but it either fell into dictatorship (USSR, North Korea, etc)or it was squashed by USA(Chile, and other central/ south american countries). The most successful one was that of Chile, until US backed coup overthrew the democratically elected government in favour of dictatorship.
Even betterer: make it MOP(Monad Oriented Programming). IYou pray to a supreme being monad till your program works.
Yep, my buddy Art foraged such a nice sword. Everybody calls him a king now. He even made a council like in the LoTR.
I think it’s a fork of floorp not librewolf. But it used to be that way.
Let Bernie be Encharge. I am jealous that the US has Bernie. Seeing all this shit storm from afar, I now just believe the US doesn’t deserve Bernie at all. He is too good for the US.