I don’t see any tag in your reply I’ll therefore assume you are being serious and malicious.
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a human.
I don’t see any tag in your reply I’ll therefore assume you are being serious and malicious.
Finally something in which I can flex my specific knowledge of the human world!
It is a joke: the shape of the truck is quite peculiar and covering hides none of its typical features.
People are products of their times.
You hear this a lot, but then you and look at “the times” and find arguments in favor of cultural integration dating back thousand of years.
It is true that people are the products of their time, but those times are not as radically distant moral wise as it is usually assumed.
Tor inside a VPN is fine. Some argue it will make you stand out in comparison with other users of your VPN but that’s only a problem if they retain data, and if they do you really wish you’d have used tor…
I’ve been yelling it for the past 20 minutes, I would never bring to the conversation something untested.
Here’s proof:
You can say “caaaare”, you can say “carrrrre” and you can say “careeeee”.
You would sound like a much bigger freak in both the latter istances.
One could argue and one would be wrong.
I know it’s beyond the realm of rules, but wouldn’t it be… “caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare”?
O yea true I got lost. Weird since I’m magnetorientatological.
Aren’t they one of the most lethal species?
Edit: Yep! https://wiki.froth.zone/wiki/List_of_deadliest_animals_to_humans?lang=en
No it’s not. It references the fact that photography wasn’t a thing yet.
Let me offer you the real “um achtually”: books were a thing. A literary memory would be a colloquial equivalence to photographic.
Sounds like a javascript issue. Privacy Badger has been pointless for a while btw, it’s superseeded by uBlock.
The privacy apps have been blocking Discord for many years.
The what?
You may want to get that checked out.
There’s lots of costs that don’t show up in the 5$ value. Considering limited resources, the value in human lives tied with pollution, the pollution you are not generating during the two hours of hobbying…
I think the math checks out most of the time.
That’s what she said, for a while.
“a film”.
Wouldn’t it be trivially easy to confirm what film it is from the setting? It’s not like she starred in 7563 movies…
Are you familiar with the concept of humour?
I’m not brave even when they do not fly.