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Sigh, was so fun taking over a lab and playing a MUDD together with like 10-15 people. Some of my favorite times in college.
At least in the US, when I go to the vape store, I buy juice that is highly diluted. Unless you are a DIYer (very small % of the market), you aren’t mixing the nicotine yourself… nicotine is addictive as fuck, but it’s not very dangerous by itself. It’s all the other shit you take in when you inhale that will kill you.
It was a fun, timely, and yes, naughty post OP…but did you have to make it creepy?
For some reason Trump is a cult of personality though no one else on the right can duplicate. So many voters that casted for only Trump on their ballots. There will be a big hole for MAGA to fill and noone comes to mind that all his followers will rally to.
And Aldi probably had their eggs for a dollar a dozen in '19. My Target has them for $2.59, (and that did come down from pandemic pricing). If you haven’t noticed prices not rising at all over the last 4 years, don’t know what to tell you. But you make a point. I can’t shop at Aldi because my family is too picky. We “have” to have our specific products, so we pay more, especially when inflation spikes. Of course, you are going to notice gas is super expensive when you are driving an F150. Comparatively, gas feels cheap in a Prius. Regardless of how good people have it, people do not want to have to tighten their belts, especially due to no fault of their own. Should they have voted for Trump directly? or indirectly by not voting? That’s another story. We’ll see how expensive the eggs get for you when a majority of the agrarian labor force is deported and the tariffs are levied.
Correct. A dozen eggs will never be $1.40 again.
Not sure why you’re being downvoted. There is a lot of flak on Hispanics and Black men from the left currently.
Yes, the Republicans were the incumbent party. McCain was dragged down by Bush’s fumble during the Financial Crisis.
The MAGA Alt-media and then add Fox is super prolific if not mainstream at this point. They’ve gaslighted so effective that both Black males and Hispanics is shifting toward the GOP. The left would need to equal that push.
I could use someone rubbing my ass in the moonshine right about now…
Sorry, no. 15 million+ people that voted in '20 did not stay home because of Palestine. Jill Stein was the candidate I heard of most from the “Genocide Joe” crowd, and I don’t think she reach 1% in any battleground state. America does not care about the plight of Palestine. Sad truth.
And obviously the unengaged 50% of the country didn’t care or pay attention.
But they won’t understand that. It’s all about feeling instead of logic. Honestly think the deck was stacked against the incumbent this year, just as it was in '20 because of COVID and '08 because of the financial crisis. As the saying goes “It’s the economy, stupid!”
So yes, I totally blame the DNC for being so afraid of polularism that they would basically squander 1 billion in donations for an amazingly ineffective get out the vote effort. Why should I donate to the DNC again?
Maybe you were right. Fuck man. I don’t know.
I hope you are right, but excuse me for having doubts. Both Congress and SCOTUS is much more partisan than it was in the past. SCOTUS’s ruling on presidential immunity is a direct example, eroding the checks and balances within the Constitution. McConnell’s behavior and vote during the Jan 6th Impeachment trial is a second example. Trump’s first term in 2016 started with him having no idea what he was doing, so he depended on establishment Republicans who would act as the adults in the room. That term ended with him having fired all of them, and with an attempted coup to stay in power. So far there have been no repercussions to him doing so. So yeah, excuse me for being worried about a potential “dictator on day one” who wants to deport millions of “illegals”, would send the military against his political opponents who he has labeled the “enemy within”, and to completely purge career public servants for loyalists (are you looking forward to Hershal Walker managing our National Missile Defense?).
Glad you’re not live from Moscow! But I didn’t make it a binary choice. The stupid fucking GOP did by nominating the Orange Shitstain of a fascist. Never Trump conservatives will be a huge part of Harris being elected. So let us get this election out of the way, get the shitstain incarcerated, and then we can keep pushing the agenda left. For the most part I agree with you, and voted 3rd party pretty consistently up to 2016.
Mark Robinson in NC just messed up because he was saying the quiet part out loud, or at least on porn message boards. Oh, and he was black.