41 / m / chicago / bass
I cashapp sent her my life savings. She’s going to wire me back 10x that amount any minute now.
I use a microSD to usb adapter and have 2 spinning rust disks. So it’s /sdc for me, but i still always double check. Dd isn’t called the disk destroyer for nothing.
Plug your usb drive in and run lsblk to figure out which letter to use instead of x in /dev/sdx
sudo dd if=image.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=1M status=progress
EDIT: I totally didn’t read your request. This is not gui or Mac based, but it still might help someone.
The most shocking thing to this millennial is that some of my peers have children old enough to post on lemmy.
I eat far too much avocado toast to save for retirement or college. I’m happy to spend my twighlight years drinking myself to death under a highway overpass.
I used to be the one weirdo who could shoot an 8 ball of coke and be perfectly calm, at least for a few minutes until it started to wear off. That was a long time ago, and I was just diagnosed a couple years ago.
This is a trend? Then why all of the sudden can’t I find any cookies in my local grocery stores that aren’t hard as tits? This has been my cookie preference for my whole life!!
Yes, I am fully capable of being a different person: efficient, organized and methodical. I just choose not to because the opposite is so fulfilling.
Take all of my money!
That’s because seahorse runs this thing on an 8 bit tandy.
I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school you piece of shit
Hakunah matata you piece of shit
Why isn’t this the top comment?
Is that because you started doing drugs as a way to escape all of the pressure of having such high potential and low achievement? Asking for a friend…
What if I went from great student to degenerate drug addict and don’t have a degree?