Not quite right, my Motorola phone had it installed, though it was an “incompatible version”
Not quite right, my Motorola phone had it installed, though it was an “incompatible version”
I mean, crude oil is a natural product. Burning a log or burning a tub of crude could both be considered burning natural substances.
For services that are throwaway, this is fine. I don’t care if someone gains access to my ice cream rewards account, they don’t have anything else important. And I believe these services only last 10 minutes, meaning you can’t password reset them because the inbox doesn’t exist.
I certainly have categories, but not quite as neat. It’s a crazy mix of genre and vibes, and many are in multiple categories.
Finished, RPGs, VN and anime, With Friends Only, Trash, Garbage, Need to finish, low interest, party games, roguelikes, and a few more that I can’t remember right now.
I also have a dynamic category for filtering with a specific steam friend when we’re figuring out what to play, that filters for multiplayer tags and that they also own. Plus, removed the trash that no one wants to play.
Still imprisonment for a racist meme, and blasphemy laws are some of the scummiest laws that exist.
Restricting screenshots is laughable security. If you can read a message then you can take a picture with a second device, there isn’t any software that can stop that.
Preventing screenshots can stop accidents and make someone think twice about it, and disappearing messages prevents returning later and looking them up, but that’s it.
Son of a… Yeah probably new users or something. I’m ok with losing $10 this year though.
I think they just jumped about $10 a year, I was just renewed for $50 a few weeks ago.
I don’t think that’s true, it’s more of a set problem. If you pull half the fuses, and the thing is still on, then you’ve ruled out that half. Then you pull half the remaining fuses, and if it turns off it was one of the new half you pulled. Then you put another half back in, ect .
Right? How you vote is typically your outlook on life and people. It’s a pretty important litmus test for most people.
I typically have a 60% accuracy in Helldivers 2 and I’m fighting swarms of giant bugs. I think I’ll forgive the Australians for 10 rounds per bird, especially since winging an emu probably doesn’t stop it.
I’d never heard of the glitter nail polish, so I looked it up. It would appear that it is possible to defeat, though extremely difficult and tedious to do so, and was done in 2018. Basically by separating the polish and substrate material using a combo of heat and chemicals, then gluing it back on with clear nail polish in the same orientation.
Again, crazy difficult, but you could also just epoxy the case shut.
Drain cleaner can also be lye based, or a mix of potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. Also, every container should have its actual ingredients on the bottle, I wouldn’t assume anything you intend on using off label.
I had a similar experience on my YouTube TV app, I was watching old history channels in bed, and there was a full length documentary for an “ad”. I could have skipped after 15 seconds or whatever, but I had to INTERACT with the TV before it would resume. I was distracted so it ended up playing like 15 minutes of an hour+ documentary ad.
Yeah, this post is not fully correct. The lead nail in the coffin is not that lead exists, it’s that we find it in certain mineral matrixes that don’t form with lead.
Zircon is the most widely referenced mineral in uranium-lead dating, as the mineral rejects lead during its formation, but will incorporate uranium. So when we find zircon with lead in it, it means that the uranium has decayed and turned into lead while being stuck there, and the percentage of uranium to lead in a sample lets us determine its time of formation.
I got it on an embedded video for a news site. VPN on of course.
Fixed, earring not eating.
They’re saying that the theory was that they were ear ring SHAPED, but actually communication devices.
What’s funny is I know someone with like, 2000 hours in that game. And it just happened to be his favorite fps, nothing to do with the army propaganda.
Stock for now